BTO-Department of Agriculture and Rural Development - Head of the Steering Committee for combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the province has just issued a Plan to inspect the implementation of regulations on preventing IUU fishing for enterprises engaged in purchasing raw materials, processing and exporting seafood to the European market in the province.
Accordingly, it will check, review, and guide the records confirming and certifying the origin of exploited aquatic products, ensuring the traceability of aquatic product origin along the chain and full compliance with legal regulations, preparing to work with the European Commission's Inspection Delegation to inspect Vietnam for the 4th time. Timely detect, rectify, and handle organizations (enterprises, facilities purchasing, processing and exporting aquatic products), individuals who intentionally violate IUU regulations, legalize records to export aquatic product shipments to the European market.
This inspection is under the direction of the Prime Minister in Decision No. 81/2023 on promulgating the Action Plan against IUU fishing; Urgent dispatch No. 2676/2023 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. The focus is on inspecting the enterprise's seafood export record management system; the process of managing input materials and tracing the origin of aquatic products from exploitation; comparing the enterprise's records of controlling the origin of aquatic raw materials from exploitation with the records of monitoring raw materials from exploitation of the management agency.
It is expected that the inspection team (chaired by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quality Management) will inspect for 3 days, from May 15 to 18, 2023, 5 enterprises: Hai Nam Company Limited, Hai Trieu Company Limited, Hai Wang Seafood Company Limited, Bex Company Limited and Hai Thuan Company Limited.
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