According to the forecast of the North Central Hydrometeorological Station, on land: The wind will change direction to Northeast level 2-3 inland, level 3 in coastal areas. The weather will turn cold in the North Central region. During this cold air mass, the lowest temperature will be from 16 - 19 degrees.
At sea: From this evening, in the Gulf of Tonkin, the Northeast wind will gradually increase to level 5, sometimes level 6, gusting to level 7-8, rough seas, waves from 1.5-2.5m high. From the night of March 6, in the North East Sea, the Northeast wind will gradually increase to level 6, gusting to level 7-8, rough seas, waves from 2.0-3.5m high.

On March 7 and 8, the North Central region will have scattered showers and rain. Strong winds and large waves at sea are likely to affect the operation of ships and other activities.
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