The contest aims to evaluate scientific research results, select innovative products, improve equipment serving education and training of schools, and establish a team of the General Department of Technology to participate in the military competition.

Scene of the opening ceremony of the competition for innovation and improvement of training equipment for schools under the General Department of Technology in 2023.

Over the past 15 years, schools under the General Department of Technology have been invested with over 172 billion VND, building 73 general classrooms, 18 laboratories, 145 specialized classrooms and purchasing 4,617 pieces of shared equipment. The schools have implemented 77 scientific tasks and topics, including 9 state-level topics, 49 ministerial-level topics and 236 grassroots-level topics, 197 initiatives, compilation of 286 regular textbooks, 101 electronic textbooks and 128 documents. 100% of technical innovation initiatives at the sectoral level (62 technical innovation initiatives) were assessed as excellent by the General Staff.

The Head of the General Department of Engineering and the organizing committee and jury of the contest visited some initiatives and improvements of the Military Technical Officer School displayed at the opening ceremony.

At the grassroots competition, schools under the General Department of Technology selected 17 typical initiatives and improvements to participate in the competition organized by the General Department of Technology this time.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Major General Ha Tuan Quan, Deputy Director of the General Department of Technology, assessed that scientific research activities in general and the movement of innovation and technical improvement of equipment serving education and training in particular of the General Department of Technology in recent years have been deployed synchronously, with focus and key points in all fields and increasingly closely following the requirements of technical work in the new situation.

Review the team at the opening ceremony.

The Deputy Director of the General Department of Technology requested the judges and the participating teams to thoroughly understand and strictly comply with the competition regulations, objectively and accurately evaluate the quality of the products, and ensure that the award-winning collectives and individuals are truly exemplary and effectively applied in education and training at schools under the General Department.

Immediately after the opening ceremony, the judges began to judge the entries of the Military Technical Officers School. The contest will close and award prizes on June 7 at Military Technical College 1.

News and photos: XUAN CUONG