On October 24, Indonesia issued a report on key facts in the anti-dumping investigation on imported Polypropylene Copolymer products.
According to the Department of Trade Remedies, Ministry of Industry and Trade, on October 24, 2024, the Department received information about the Indonesian Anti-Dumping Committee (KADI) issuing a report on key facts in the case of Indonesia's anti-dumping investigation on Polypropylene Copolymer products originating or imported from Korea, UAE, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.
The Indonesian Anti-Dumping Commission (KADI) initiated an investigation into the Polypropylene Copolymer case in August 2023. Illustrative photo |
Previously, in August 2023, KADI initiated an investigation into the incident.
According to the report, the Indonesian Anti-Dumping Committee (KADI) calculated the dumping margins for the countries as follows: South Korea: 10.57%-82.83%; UAE: 29.42%; Malaysia: 13.45%-29.01%; Singapore: 13.88%-14.6%; Vietnam: 11.4%.
In response to the key fact report in the case of Indonesia's anti-dumping investigation of Polypropylene Copolymer products, the Trade Defense Department recommends that Vietnamese manufacturers and exporters: Study the key fact report and send comments as requested by KADI (if any); If necessary, submit a request to KADI to organize consultations no later than November 6, 2024. Regularly exchange and provide information to the Trade Defense Department in the next stages for timely support.
Key facts report see here
Source: https://congthuong.vn/indonesia-ban-hanh-bao-cao-du-kien-trong-yeu-vu-dieu-tra-chong-ban-pha-gia-polypropylene-copolymer-354728.html
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