The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm is expected to announce the Nobel Prize in Physics at 4:45 p.m. on October 3 (Hanoi time).
Statue of Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor and businessman. Photo: AFP
Every year, the experts at analytics firm Clarivate produce a list of Citation Laureates, a select group of influential, frequently cited researchers whose contributions are comparable to those of Nobel Prize winners. The list suggests that these researchers may one day travel to Stockholm to receive their own Nobel Prizes. In fact, since 2002, when Clarivate began publishing its annual list of Citation Laureates, 71 people on the list have won Nobel Prizes.
This year, Clarivate’s Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) announced 23 new Citation Laureates. In physics, the nominees are Sharon C. Glotzer, Federico Capasso, and Stuart S.P. Parkin.
Sharon C. Glotzer (USA) was shortlisted for demonstrating the role of entropy (simply understood as a measure of disorder in a system) in the self-assembly of matter and introducing ways to control the assembly process to create new materials. She is a professor at the University of Michigan, USA.
Federico Capasso (USA) pioneered research in photonics, plasmonics (involved in the study of electronic oscillations in metallic nanostructures and nanoparticles), metasurfaces, as well as contributions to the invention and improvement of quantum cascade lasers. He is a professor at Harvard University, USA.
Stuart SP Parkin (Germany) has made major contributions to physics with his research on spintronics, in particular the development of racetrack memory for increasing data storage density. He is director of the Max Planck Institute for Microstructural Physics in Halle, Germany, and also a professor at the Institute of Physics at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
Scientists Stuart SP Parkin (left), Federico Capasso (center) and Sharon C. Glotzer (right). Photo: Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics/Harvard University/LinkedIn
To select the Citation Laureates, experts at Clarivate start by reviewing highly cited studies on the Web of Science, focusing on studies published 20 to 30 years ago.
In addition to citation counts, the selection process considers whether the author is a major discoverer or simply an extension of the work of pioneers (the Nobel Committee tends to favor pioneers). Clarivate also checks whether they have received any international or national awards. Finally, Clarivate looks at recent Nobel Prizes and assesses whether their research topic is likely to receive attention in the next few years.
The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics goes to three scientists Alain Aspect (France), John F. Clauser (USA) and Anton Zeilinger (Austria) for their experiments with entangled photons, establishing violations of Bell's inequality and pioneering quantum information science.
The Nobel Prize is an international award established in 1901 by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm based on the estate of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor and businessman.
The prize is awarded annually to individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions in the fields of Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, and Peace. In 1968, the Swedish Central Bank established the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Nobel, also known as the Nobel Prize in Economics.
Each award consists of a medal, a personal diploma and a cash prize. From 1901 to 2022, the prize has been awarded 615 times to 989 individuals and organizations around the world.
Thu Thao (According to Clarivate, Nobel Prize )
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