The Academy of Finance (AOF) recruits 4,500 students, keeping the same 5 methods, but lowering the minimum score for candidates who register to be considered by the test scores to assess their ability and thinking.
According to the 2024 Enrollment Plan announced on the evening of February 29, the Academy of Finance will enroll 4,500 students. Of which, the target for standard programs is 3,100; international certificate-oriented training programs are 1,280; and joint training programs with each side granting a bachelor's degree are 120.
The Academy maintains 5 stable admission methods including direct admission and priority admission; considering academic records; considering 2024 high school graduation exam scores; considering a combination of international English certificates with graduation exam scores; using the scores of the Hanoi National University's competency assessment exam and the Hanoi University of Science and Technology's thinking assessment in 2024.
The main building of the Academy of Finance. Photo: AOF
With the method of selecting excellent high school students , candidates can register for all majors if they have achieved excellent academic performance for three years, each subject in the admission group must be 7 or higher in grade 12. Those who have participated in the selection exam for the national team or are members of the national team for the Olympic or international science and technology competitions; or have won national prizes in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Informatics, English, and Literature are also in this group, but must ensure the academic performance requirements as above.
If only achieving excellent results for two years, including grade 12, candidates need to have one of the following achievements: winning provincial prizes in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Information Technology, English, Literature; having an IELTS certificate of 5.5/9.0, TOEFL iBT 55/120, SAT 1050/1600, ACT from 22/36 points or higher.
Candidates who are excellent students in grade 12 and meet the above requirements can only apply for admission to English Language and Economics.
For candidates eligible for direct admission and priority admission, the school will follow the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
With the combined admission method, the academic record requirements are similar to the above. However, the international certificate will be converted to a 10-point scale and replace the English subject score in the admission combination. The Academy of Finance converts the certificate score as follows:
Convert IELTS scores and international certificates to the 10-point scale of the Academy of Finance.
This year, the Academy of Finance continues to consider candidates for the Hanoi National University's capacity assessment test and the Hanoi University of Science and Technology's thinking assessment test, with the floor scores of 90/150 and 60/100, respectively. These scores are converted to a 30-point scale, plus priority points (if any) for admission consideration. Last year, the floor scores were 100/150 or 75/100 points or higher, respectively.
The remaining method is based on high school graduation exam scores, which the school will announce after the exam takes place.
Specific targets for each major and admission method of the Academy of Finance in 2024 are as follows:
The benchmark score of the Academy of Finance in 2023 ranges from 34.01 to 35.51 on a 40-point scale (English multiplied by a factor of 2) and from 25.8 to 26.17 on a 30-point scale. For majors with a benchmark score of 40, Customs and Logistics have the highest, the remaining majors have quite similar benchmark scores, all from 34 and above. With a 30-point scale, Business Administration has the highest score - 26.17 points.
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