Realizing the great significance of "self-reflection and self-correction", our Party has affirmed: "The strength of the Party, of each Party Committee and Party member is not only in its advantages but also in clearly recognizing and correcting existing problems, mistakes, shortcomings and overcoming oneself". Implementing the direction of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, Party committees and Party organizations in Tuyen Quang province have issued documents within their authority to lead and direct the implementation of "self-reflection" and "self-correction" according to Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW dated October 25, 2021 of the Central Committee; Resolution of the 4th Central Committee, Session XII, Plan No. 147-KH/TU dated January 14, 2022 of the Provincial Party Committee and Instruction No. 01-HD/BTCTU of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Board.
The Provincial Inspectorate Party Cell considers promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle, along with "self-reflection" and "self-correction" as a regular and continuous task.
According to comrade Khanh Thi Xuyen, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Chief Inspector of the province, the Party Committee of the Provincial Inspectorate considers promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style in conjunction with "self-examination" and "self-correction" as a regular and continuous task. In the spirit of frankness, correctly assessing the reality of the advantages to continue promoting and clearly pointing out the weaknesses and limitations of both the collective and each individual, proposing causes and solutions to overcome, contributing to the completion of annual work targets.
In the spirit of "self-reflection and self-correction", the Provincial Inspectorate Party Cell has resolutely assessed the shortcomings and limitations to clearly identify the causes and responsibilities of the collective and each individual. At the same time, focusing on implementing "correct, accurate" and timely solutions, the administrative reform and digital transformation work of the unit has made spectacular progress. According to the results announced by the Provincial People's Committee on the administrative reform index in 2023, the Provincial Inspectorate ranked 4/19 (up 5 places compared to 2022) and the digital transformation index ranked 5/19 (up 9 places compared to 2022).
In recent times, the awareness of Party committees, Party organizations and Party members in the province about the meaning and importance of self-criticism and criticism combined with "self-reflection" and "self-correction" has been raised and has become a regular and continuous task. Comrade Lam Thi Hieu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Thanh Long Commune (Ham Yen) said that studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style combined with the spirit of "self-reflection and self-correction", the Party Committee of the commune has seriously reviewed and pointed out a number of limitations and shortcomings in the leadership and direction of the implementation of political tasks in the locality. Specifically, although the commune's economy has developed, it is not yet stable, and there are not many highly effective economic models.
With the spirit of "self-improvement", the Party Committee of the commune has issued a resolution on directions, tasks and appropriate solutions, focusing on promoting agricultural production development and promoting local advantages. In close adherence to the resolution, the People's Committee of the commune has strengthened coordination with the Vietnam Fatherland Front and political organizations to promote propaganda and mobilize people to focus on developing commodity agriculture associated with linkage and product consumption. Up to now, the whole commune has developed and maintained 31 hectares of sugarcane; effectively maintained linkage to grow 30.5 hectares of cucumbers, bringing high efficiency to the people; maintained the FSC forest area of nearly 2,500 hectares; increased income for people to reach 47 million VND/person/year... This is a resource that helps the commune complete the criteria and be recognized as meeting new rural standards (August 2024).
According to the assessment of the Provincial Party Committee's Organizing Committee, in general, Party cells and Party members in the province have been serious in self-criticism and criticism, and have carried out "self-examination and self-correction" to maintain the Party's principles, discipline and order. Through the implementation of "self-examination and self-correction" of each Party member, the Party Committee and Party cells have grasped the situation of Party members; have solutions for management and education to help Party members promptly correct and overcome, contributing to building a clean and strong Party cell and successfully carrying out political tasks.
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