(Dan Tri) - "No one in my family is in the arts, and I don't know anyone, so I've never used connections or asked anyone for support to get the main role in a VFC film or movie...", actress Hoang Ha shared.
Actress Hoang Ha plays Mai Duong in the movie We of 8 Years Later and is receiving attention and love from the audience even though she only acted in a VTV prime time movie.
Hoang Ha is no longer a stranger, she once caused a stir with her pure, vibrant beauty when playing the role of "muse" Dao Anh in the movie Em va Trinh. This role helped Hoang Ha be nominated for two major awards: Mai Vang 2022 and Ngoi Sao Xanh 2022.
Hoang Ha was born in 1996, born and raised in Hanoi. She started pursuing acting in 2015. She appeared in a number of short films and commercials such as Thanh Xuan, Nu Cuoi Tu Tim, 17 Mot Lan Lai, Co Gai Cua Ngay Da Qua, Tet Near Tet Far,...
In a conversation with Dan Tri reporter, the young actress shared about her first time on VTV screen and the rumors, her childhood and current love...
Hoang Ha in the movie "Em va Trinh" (left) and the TV series "Chung ta cua 8 nam sau" currently airing on VTV.
Surprised when the director chose to play the main role
This is your first time on VTV's screen, but Hoang Ha has been given the lead role. In the film industry, you often take on female lead roles. For you, is the artistic journey like "winning the jackpot" or is it more pressure?
- From the beginning, I did this job out of love and passion, so I didn't think about "winning the jackpot" or pressure.
When invited to act in a movie with an interesting story and good characters, I will be very excited and prepare carefully for that role.
During the character building process, or closer to the filming date, I feel pressured, will I do well or will there be any difficult scenes?
I used to act in the MV Nang Tho, but it was only with Em and Trinh that people became more well-known. That put pressure on me. With the movie Chung Ta Cua 8 Nam Sau, people knew me even more.
I realized that this journey is not only about me and my passion for acting, but also about the audience. I always try to calmly accept compliments and criticisms, listen and filter so as not to feel too pressured by the public's reactions.
So what do you think if people keep saying that Hoang Ha is young and doesn't have much experience in acting, so he must have had support or connections or had to make trade-offs to get there, even paying money to buy the role?
- I find it very absurd.
It's like hearing something far away and it has nothing to do with me. People say that people have guilty consciences, but I'm very decent and don't care about those rumors, there's nothing to be ashamed of.
If people try to find it, there is no evidence for it.
When I read some of these comments, I am surprised to see that people do not dare to believe that there are truly recognized values.
Maybe they have seen too many negative and unfair things in life, so when a "seed" like me rises and takes center stage, it is difficult to believe and accept?
At first I wondered why people said that, but when I thought about it, it was true… there are people who, when looking at a blank piece of paper, will only look at the black dot.
Well, I can be one of the first people to give them another perspective: Life is not that unfair.
I know many audiences were surprised because I was given the main role in my first VFC film.
I think partly because of my ability, partly because of the director's trust in me, believing that I could do it, that I was the character the director was looking for, and partly because of luck.
No one in my family is in the arts, nor do I know anyone, so I have never used connections or asked anyone for support to get a leading role in a VFC film or movie.
No trade-offs or spending money to buy roles. Because my artistic journey started with Em and Trinh. Before casting in 2020, I had studied acting since 2015.
It took me 5 years of training and daily effort to gain recognition and trust.
But honestly, were you surprised when directors invited you to play the main role?
- To be more exact, I'm surprised every time the director chooses me. He chooses me, not calls me or invites me to audition.
Because I am a person who believes in casting. One of the teachers who inspired me, gave me faith in casting, and considered casting a necessary thing was Leon Le, director of the movie Song Lang.
It doesn’t say which actor is better, but what matters is which actor is really suitable for the role in the film. Even in Hollywood, A-list stars still cast as usual. So I believe, only by casting can we know if it is suitable for this character or not.
When director Bui Tien Huy of "We of 8 Years Later" or director Tran Huu Tan of " Soul Eater " invited me, in my mind I only thought it was casting.
But when I arrived, the result was that… they had already chosen me (laughs). I even asked the director: "How could everyone believe in me and choose me so quickly?". They said that was the feeling of a director: "I believe you are the character".
In the end, I just nodded and read the script to see if I liked it and if it was suitable for the character.
As for the director's feelings, I will respect them.
It was a pretty cool thing to realize that I had it. And to my surprise, I didn't have any support or connections.
I'm just trying to do my job well.
Regarding the role of Mai Duong in "We of 8 Years Later", besides compliments, many audiences also have mixed opinions. As a new recruit of VFC, how do you receive those things?
- I find the opposing opinions very interesting. I can see many different perspectives of the audience. There are people who comment on things they don't like in a very civilized way, but there are audiences who are the opposite.
I don't blame them though. I'll read it and think, do they really like me or my character?
The character Mai Duong, in order to create attraction, she has a lot of energy, sometimes a bit too much, a bit too much.
Maybe people will be used to the female lead being elegant and disciplined, especially those from the North, so they will find this character unfamiliar.
So I have to be calm, patient and see if the audience likes the next character's personality. If the audience says something right, I will learn from it, and not "fall" because of those opinions.
When I decided to try my hand at television, I knew I had to be open to public opinion. I was also eager to see how much praise and criticism I would receive.
However, I think when actors accept a project and have a clear perspective on their expertise, they will more or less evaluate how much they can do on a scale of 10. After two months of filming the first part of the film, I more or less feel that my character will be more loved. Although I am not 100% sure, I still feel a little confident.
Up until now, after watching the movie and reading the comments, knowing the audience's reactions, I think I'm probably about 70-75% satisfied (laughs).
I am strict with myself so that the audience can easily and comfortably accept my character.
"I'm not into handsome guys like Mai Duong"
Born and raised in Hanoi, the Hanoian girl is famous for her elegance and grace, but Hoang Ha works in Saigon, a land of people with very open and liberal personalities. In the movie, you are a lively Mai Duong, who loves handsome men. So what is the real Hoang Ha in real life?
- I think my acting career has shaped me. Before becoming an actor, I was quite elegant. But since I was a child, I had a hidden rebellion inside me. When I grew up, every year I studied an art with my savings without asking my parents.
That process helped me realize that I am not exactly like the "good student, good child" shell, but can have many other personality traits.
In each project, I was allowed to bring out those traits, gradually I became bolder, more open-minded, more confident and also found myself more interesting.
Another thing is that I'm not into handsome guys like Mai Duong in the movie (laughs).
Many people are also curious about Hoang Ha's childhood and how you came to art?
- I remember the first days of pursuing art while in college, my parents told me: "Son! Even if you really like it, just do it as a part-time job!".
Until a few years later, when I had some big and small achievements, my parents felt somewhat reassured. From the time I filmed the MV "Nang Tho" , my parents were very supportive and always waited to see their daughter's products, hoping that I would appear on VTV so that they could see them.
I was born into a poor family, my parents were government employees, not well off. According to my parents, when I was young my family didn't have much money, my parents had a hard time raising my two sisters.
But because my parents and uncles loved me so much, in my memories as a little girl, I don't remember anything about being poor, but only that I grew up very happily.
When I went to kindergarten, I was not allowed to buy toys like my friends. Every time I passed the toy counter, my mother would say: "Don't look at that. Your eyes will pop out!" (laughs), because she didn't have money to buy them.
I was also naive so I believed my mother and did not dare to look anymore. Gradually, I grew up in simplicity, not knowing how to ask for or dress well.
It was not until I became an actor and people helped me dress nicely for acting that I became more conscious of my appearance.
Are you determined to return to work in Hanoi and enter the wide open path of television drama in the future?
- I hope it's spacious too. But I don't think making TV shows or working in Hanoi is "returning".
My point of view is that where the work is, there I am.
In Hanoi, for film work, I haven't seen many places with good quality besides VFC. But appearing continuously on VTV is not a good idea for me.
I think not only the audience but also the artists need a break, otherwise it's easy to lose inspiration for making art.
What do you think about defining your style as someone working in the entertainment industry?
- My point of view is quite clear. Being an artist or a public figure should be beautiful.
But I think that an actor should not limit themselves to a certain image because that will make it difficult for them to play different characters.
I'm still beautiful but I don't try to follow any specific image. Based on my personality, at one time I like to dress classic, at another time I like to be more individualistic, rebellious or maybe sexy.
The more honest you are with yourself, the more authentic your acting will be. This is something I really like.
I think, there is no need to force yourself, no need to appear too attractive. If you do your job well, no matter what job it is, you will be attractive.
In love the most important thing is emotion
What is Hoang Ha's opinion on loving and marrying someone in the same profession? Do you have a rule that you will not love and marry someone in the same profession?
- I believe that in love, emotions must come first.
But besides that, I also look at reality. If two people are both actors, both successful and have good financial resources, they will come together.
If one of the two people is not successful and cannot ensure future financial security, it will be difficult to go the long way.
I don't like the feeling of blaming each other every day about food, clothing, rice, and money. Maybe I do art but at the same time I will do business to nurture my passion for art.
I also do not limit or restrict the fact that I am not allowed or not allowed to love or marry someone in the profession.
Beautiful, young, with positive roles in movies and television, surely in real life you also have many handsome men and gentlemen who confess their love to you?
- I have only had one ex. The rest are just dating and getting to know each other. I have never had anyone who can be called my second ex.
In love, I am quite picky and it is quite difficult for me to agree to enter a relationship.
My old love lasted a year and a half.
As for now… let me keep it a secret (laughs).
In love, what kind of person is Hoang Ha?
- I consider myself a very emotional and quite interesting person.
What is Hoang Ha's opinion about loving a "pilot" or "uncle" 15 - 20 years older than her?
- I remember the oldest person I ever had a crush on was only 9-10 years older.
Before, I thought I was meticulous and liked to learn so I would like someone older than me, but after living and experiencing, there were times when I realized I could "fall" for someone a few years younger than me. At that time, I was very surprised.
As for loving an "uncle" 15-20 years older, I have never experienced it so I don't know (laughs).
Thanks for sharing!
Content: Huong Ho - Van Ban
Photo: VFC, Character provided.
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