Coughing causes the body to expend energy, depending on the type, the amount of calories burned is also different, it can be from 2 calories or more.
Coughing is the body's way of responding to something that irritates the throat or airways. The brain receives messages from nerves, then tells the muscles in the chest and abdomen to cough to push air out of the lungs.
Coughing helps expel irritants, but if it lasts for several weeks or you cough up phlegm or blood, it is often a sign of some medical condition and you should see a doctor.
A strong and prolonged cough can irritate the lungs, making the patient tired, and can cause insomnia, dizziness, headaches, urinary incontinence, and vomiting. How long the cough lasts depends on the cause of the illness.
According to WebMD, coughs are divided into many types including: A productive cough is a cough with a lot of mucus, creating a rumbling sound in the lungs when coughing. A non-productive cough is a dry cough or cough that does not produce mucus. Coughs are also divided into acute and subacute. Acute cough appears suddenly and lasts for 2-3 weeks. Subacute cough appears when there is an infection, about 3-4 weeks. People with chronic cough (lasting 8 weeks or longer) need medical attention.
Every activity burns calories, and so does coughing. Coughing burns energy, and depending on the type, the amount of calories burned from this activity varies.
The amount of calories the body uses when coughing is measured by the severity of the cough plus the duration of the cough. If the cough lasts for a long time, the body burns more calories than a simple cough. Severe cough affects the whole body, burning calories at the highest level. Dry coughs, coughs caused by weather irritation usually do not consume energy. A cough can consume 2-3 calories, so people with persistent coughs often lose weight easily and have difficulty gaining weight.
Coughing also burns energy in the body. Photo: Freepik
To avoid losing energy due to cough leading to fatigue and poor physical condition, patients should identify the cause early to find a treatment direction. Some common causes are cough caused by viruses that cause colds and flu, allergies to agents such as mold, dust mites, animal hair, asthma.
Postnasal drip causes mucus to run from the nose down the throat and also causes cough, sinus infections, acid reflux, bronchitis irritates the trachea, vocal cords, throat also leads to cough.
People can try some of the following natural ways to relieve coughs, such as lozenges, drinking warm liquids, breathing warm, moist air, and using cough medicine. Drink honey with hot tea or warm water with a spoonful of honey before going to bed. Avoid triggers if the cause of cough is allergies. Treat medical conditions such as asthma, acid reflux, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia (if present).
Most coughs are harmless, but if they last for more than two weeks without a clear cause, are accompanied by green or yellow mucus, bleeding, difficulty breathing..., the patient should see a doctor early for appropriate treatment to avoid complications.
Anh Chi (According to WebMD, Livestrong )
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