In the 2024-2025 school year, Marie Curie School has identified the theme of the school year as “Time”. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Khang, Chairman of the Marie Curie School Board, wants to send the message to students: “Time is more precious than gold! Students should use the time they have to realize their ambitions and passions, and should not wait until tomorrow to do things that can be done today”.
Below is a message from Mr. Nguyen Xuan Khang on the opening day of the new school year 2024-2025:
Everything moves in space and time - Where and when?
A seed takes 10 days to sprout in the ground, years to grow strong, and hundreds of years to become an ancient tree.
It takes a human being 9 months and 10 days in the mother's womb to be born, 7 more months to crawl, 9 more months to walk, 6 more years to attend preschool, 18 more years to attend high school, 22 more years to learn a trade, then grow up and establish a career.
Every thing has a cycle of birth, growth and death.
Nature is a cycle of repetition.
Time is infinite, but each person has only a finite number of years to live.
Fastest man on the planet (Bolt - Jamaican): 100m/9 seconds 58 - This legendary record took centuries to achieve.
In the FIFA World Cup, with only 30 seconds left of extra time, a shot into the net won the national team, bringing happiness to an entire nation!
Huynh Trieu Dien, 11 years old, class 6G9, was only 1 minute faster and saved a life.
“Time passed can not come back
The river has gone, how can it return to its old place?
Time is more precious than gold! Use the time you have to fulfill your ambitions and passions!
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today!
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