After graduating from the Military Technical Academy in 2019, working for his unit for less than 4 years, Captain Hoang Le Hoan's scientific research achievements are very impressive. In particular, he won the Creative Youth Award in the Army 5 times (3 second prizes and 2 third prizes). The impressive results above helped Hoang Le Hoan be promoted twice before his term. With a scholarly face, wearing a shiny captain's rank, after participating in the exercise with his unit, Hoang Le Hoan was busy with the computer screen researching new initiatives with the desire to contribute to improving the effectiveness of performing combat missions in cyberspace. Sharing with us, Captain Hoang Le Hoan said: "I am not satisfied with what I have achieved, but continue to develop the topics and initiatives that have been implemented, and at the same time research new directions to meet the requirements of the unit's missions".

During 4 years working at Room 52, Center 586 (Command 86), Captain Hoang Le Hoan won 5 Creative Youth Awards in the Army.

Among many topics and initiatives that Hoan and his teammates implemented effectively, the product "Development of a GPS spoofing attack detection system" was not the initiative that won the highest award, but it demonstrated his perseverance and determination for the common mission of the unit. This initiative was carried out during the complicated development of the Covid-19 pandemic, so purchasing equipment for the research process was extremely difficult, especially specialized equipment that had to be purchased from abroad. Moreover, researching and consulting with partners to build the system was also difficult. Thanks to the encouragement and support of the unit commander, Hoang Le Hoan made efforts to complete the initiative on schedule and this product was quickly widely applied in Command 86.

Sharing the secret to achieving many achievements in scientific research, Captain Hoang Le Hoan said: "Defensive operations in cyberspace are a new field, with no precedents. Along with the orientation and creative ideas of commanders at all levels, the unit has a democratic and united military cultural environment, creating conditions for everyone to be motivated and favorable to research, study and contribute. I try to promote the knowledge I have been trained to apply in practice, proactively and actively research, especially research foreign documents and technologies to improve professional capacity, thereby finding practical ideas and initiatives to serve the unit".

Lieutenant Colonel Hoang Van Quyet, Deputy Director of Center 586, said: “Captain Hoang Le Hoan is one of the unit’s outstanding officers in scientific research. With his intelligence and eagerness to learn, when the Center’s commander suggested practical problems, Hoan immediately started researching and created many practical scientific products to serve the unit’s training and combat readiness tasks.”

Article and photos: SON BINH