University of Transport
The University of Transport has just announced the threshold to ensure input quality (the minimum score to receive admission registration) for the regular university program in 2024.
Specifically, the minimum score for regular university admission in 2024 of the University of Transport based on the admission method of the 2024 high school graduation exam results (the minimum score of the total score of 3 subjects according to the admission combination plus priority points if any) is as follows:
Academy of Journalism and Communication
The Academy of Journalism and Communication requires that candidates applying for admission by all admission methods must have a grade 10, grade 11 and first semester of grade 12 high school of 6.5 or higher; conduct in grade 10, grade 11 and first semester of grade 12 high school of Good or higher.
If the admission method is based on the results of the high school graduation exam, candidates must meet the requirements. For majors/specializations in group 1, group 3 and group 4 (with the main subject combination multiplied by a coefficient of 2), the total score of 3 subjects multiplied by the coefficient: 25 points. For majors/specializations in group 2, the total score of 3 subjects without the coefficient: 18 points. This score includes the exam score according to the admission combination, priority points for subjects and regions.
If applying for the combined admission method, candidates applying for the combined admission method to Journalism programs: the average score of 5 semesters of Literature at high school level (excluding semester II of grade 12) must be 7 or higher. Candidates applying for the combined admission method to programs in group 4, Sociology, Publishing, Editing and Publishing major in group 2: the average score of 5 semesters of English at high school level (excluding semester II of grade 12) must be 7 or higher.
Candidates are responsible for the application conditions (academic performance, conduct) according to the regulations of the Academy. In case the candidate achieves the admission score but does not meet the application conditions, the Academy will not recognize the admission.
University of Commerce
The University of Commerce has just announced the minimum score for submitting applications for regular university admission in 2024 as follows:
Candidates need to carefully study the school's admission methods and admission codes.
Hanoi University of Industry
The University Admissions Council, Hanoi University of Industry, announced the required scores for admission to regular university in 2024 according to method 3 - admission based on the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam.
How to calculate scores and admission principles according to the 2024 regular university admission project of Hanoi University of Industry.
Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology
The Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology has just announced the minimum score for admission based on the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam.
Accordingly, the Northern training facility recruits candidates with high school graduation exam scores of 22 points or higher, applicable to 3 admission groups A00, A01, D01.
Southern Training Institution (BVS): from 18.00 points or more (applied to 3 admission combinations A00, A01, D01). The above input quality assurance threshold includes priority points for subjects and regions according to the admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi
The admission score for university-level training programs of Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2024 is the lowest 18 points and the highest 22 points.
The school said that the minimum admission score will be applied to: method 1 (candidates submit applications based on the results of the competency assessment test organized by Hanoi University of Science and Technology); method 2 (candidates submit applications based on high school academic results combined with interviews); method 3 (candidates submit applications for direct admission according to the school's admission plan); method 4 (candidates submit applications based on high school graduation exam results on the Ministry of Education and Training's General Admission Support System).
For candidates applying for admission under methods 1, 2, 3, the application submission period for the third round is from July 17 to July 23, 2024.
For candidates using method 4, candidates register their wishes to enter the school through the General Admission Support System of the Ministry of Education and Training, the floor score is calculated based on the subject combination according to the registered majors. For the Aviation Engineering major, the school only enrolls students according to methods 1, 2, 3.
Candidates should note that the minimum score does not apply to candidates on the list of candidates eligible for admission (except for high school graduation) according to the school's early admission method.
University of Electricity
The University of Electricity has a floor score ranging from 17.00 to 20.00 points. The Mechanical Engineering Technology, Mechatronic Engineering Technology, Construction Engineering Technology and Environmental Engineering Technology majors have the lowest floor score of 17.00 points. The Information Technology major has the highest floor score of 20.00 points.
According to the Electricity University, this is the score for receiving applications for high school students in region 3 (priority subjects and priority regions apply according to the university admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training; candidates who graduated from 2022 or earlier will not receive priority points).
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