Use exogenous testosterone to gain muscle quickly
On July 11, Dr. Vu Duc Cong, Men's Health Center, Ho Chi Minh City, said that the patient shared that 1 year ago, because he wanted to have a toned body, Mr. T. decided to go to the gym but it was not effective. Introduced by a gym friend, he arbitrarily used exogenous testosterone (in the bodybuilding world, it is called "roid" - a shorthand for muscle-building steroid) to support muscle gain for a whole year.
After a year of using exogenous testosterone to rapidly increase muscle mass, Mr. T's appearance was clearly different from before. He decided to stop taking the medication and maintain his exercise regimen.
However, since stopping the medication, he began to feel a lack of energy and, more importantly, a loss of desire compared to before, and could not even get an erection during sex.
Abuse of exogenous testosterone to increase muscle mass affects health
Testosterone is severely reduced
After examining and testing his hormones, Dr. Cong noted that Mr. T's testosterone had dropped severely, and other related hormones such as LH and FSH - hormones that control the secretion of testosterone and sperm production from the testicles - had also dropped to zero.
"Borrowing male hormones (testosterone) from outside causes the hypothalamus-pituitary axis to be inhibited due to the long-term supplementation of high concentrations of exogenous testosterone. Meanwhile, the hypothalamus-pituitary axis is an organ located inside the brain with a size as small as a pea, but it is the endocrine organ that directs most other endocrine organs in the body, including male hormones from the testicles. Therefore, when this organ is inhibited for a long time, the man's testicles also stop functioning, including the production of testosterone and sperm," Dr. Cong analyzed.
When encountering these complications, the initial treatment requires a lot of compliance and patience from the patient because the recovery time of the testicles takes many weeks, even months. After 6 months of treatment and close monitoring, Mr. T's testicular function returned to relatively normal compared to men of the same age, the semen analysis results showed sperm and the erectile condition gradually returned to normal as before.
To maintain male form
Doctor Cong said that supplementing the male hormone testosterone during bodybuilding to support muscle gain has many potential risks, including affecting men's sexual function.
"Choosing to beautify yourself is the right decision, but it is better for men to consult health experts to have a more comprehensive health care regimen, both maintaining a healthy body and maintaining male form," Dr. Cong recommends.
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