This is because power always tends to degenerate if not controlled, and corruption and negativity are inborn defects of power. The root cause of power degeneration is individualism. Individualism leads to degradation in political ideology, morality, and lifestyle. That is the cause of corruption. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a mechanism to control power with people in positions of power and authority, and to "lock power in a cage of mechanisms".

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai answers questions.

To control power, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai proposed four solutions: It is necessary to perfect the mechanism to exercise state power; continue to innovate, improve the capacity and efficiency of inspection, examination, prosecution, investigation and trial agencies; strengthen supervision and control of the implementation of those with positions and powers, implement a mechanism of democratic centralism, publicity, transparency, responsibility and accountability; closely combine control mechanisms.

Without control over power, power can easily be corrupted. That is very true. However, corruption of power in the current context is not only the abuse of power, but also the indifference and apathy towards the people's affairs, the affairs of businesses, the affairs of the country, the affairs of the Party - something we have mentioned a lot, both in the National Assembly forum and the press forum, social forums with many different names, such as avoiding responsibility, shirking responsibility, fearing responsibility...

Recent reality shows that the consequences of manifestations of power degeneration such as "avoiding, pushing, and fearing" are no less terrible and serious than the abuse of power and power for corruption and negativity. Why has the situation of "avoiding, pushing, and fearing" recently erupted so strongly? It seems that the reason is that we are leaning too much on "fighting" and neglecting the task of "building". Everywhere we only hear slogans against corruption and negativity, but very few mention the honoring and rewarding of places that do well and creative officials. Public investment is sluggish like that, but there are places that do very well. So, how have we honored and rewarded places that do well to spread the message, or do we only see criticism, review, and handling?

"Building" and "fighting" must go hand in hand. Being too busy "building" without "fighting" or being too busy "fighting" without "building" will have the same harmful effects. Therefore, in addition to resolutely fighting corruption and negative behaviors, we also need appropriate forms to honor and reward good models and good practices. Honoring and rewarding must be substantial and material rewards must be commensurate with spiritual rewards.

Along with that, it is necessary to clearly define the components of the monthly salary that cadres, civil servants and public employees receive. In addition to salary based on working hours and seniority, there should also be salary based on work efficiency. The salary increase should focus more on salary based on work efficiency and this part must be increased very quickly to avoid paying salaries in the same way as at present.

Violators will be severely punished. Those who do not violate and work effectively will receive adequate attention in terms of material benefits and promotion benefits. If this is harmonized, the corruption of power will naturally be limited!