The turning point of modern education

The first two decades of the 21st century saw a major step forward in the education sector, which was the standardization of teaching methods. This helped to standardize the content and teaching methods nationwide, or even, through the textbooks and approaches to knowledge transmission that were applied by major publishers in the world, schools in many countries. This educational method helped to save initial investment costs and did not require too much on the foundation of the educational institution or the capacity of teachers.

However, in recent years, with the support of technology and the sudden demand of new professions that have never been taught before, the standardization of teaching has increasingly revealed its limitations. Parents have begun to question whether the methods and knowledge at school are suitable for their children's personality and potential?

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Photo: Shutterstock

Personalized education is emerging as an inevitable trend. This method focuses on meeting the individual learning needs of each student, promising to improve academic performance, increase engagement and improve children's learning attitudes.

"Tailored" learning path - Formula for comprehensive development

"Tailored" in education is not just a fancy phrase. Simply put, this is an advanced educational method that creates a separate learning plan, suitable for the characteristics, interests and abilities of each child.

Many of us have experienced personalized learning in the form of simple one-on-one tutoring or “one-on-one” sessions with our teachers. Today, thanks to the combination of advanced teaching methods and modern technology, personalized learning pathways have become more feasible and widespread. This method not only helps improve academic performance but also significantly improves student engagement and learning attitudes.

Recent studies demonstrate the superior effectiveness of this approach. According to Pearson, students who receive personalized learning score 17% higher than those who receive traditional methods. Gallup reports a 25% increase in classroom engagement, while Berkeley reports a 20% increase in positive learning attitudes when personalized technology is used.

Recognizing the enormous benefits, many developed countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia have actively introduced this method into their national education systems. They apply smart learning platforms, adaptive educational software and advanced learning progress assessment tools, helping teachers to adjust the content and learning path to suit each student.

With positive results, "tailor-made" learning paths are not just a temporary trend but are gradually becoming the key formula for comprehensive development of students in the new era.

The "problem" of choosing the right educational environment

To help parents find an environment that focuses on personalizing learning for their child's potential, Ms. Kate Steenkamp - Senior Academic Director of Apollo English shared: "Before making a choice for an educational environment, parents should ask themselves questions about the level of understanding of children: Does this educational environment provide assessment and analysis for my child? How long do I have to wait for that assessment? About Professional experience: Does this environment have enough experience and expertise to provide effective solutions for my child? About the method of nurturing each step of learning: Does this environment have support within the scope of customization for the child? Can they accompany and cheer for the child?".

Ms. Kate also warned parents not to chase after the grandeur of promotional programs. The trade-off between reducing costs and educational quality will always bring more losses than immediate savings.

Only reputable units can answer the above questions by continuously focusing on investing in the quality of the curriculum, building a corporate vision where the integrity and success of students come first.

True personalization in education requires a combination of advanced technology and the experience of a highly qualified teaching staff. This includes continuous and in-depth learning tracking and analysis, which creates the most suitable learning path for each student. Pioneering educational institutions such as Apollo have successfully applied this model, helping students achieve impressive results in international exams.

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There is no one-size-fits-all formula for your child’s educational journey. Each child needs to be respected, understood and supported in their own way. Only then can we help our children develop comprehensively, confidently step into the future and be ready to face the challenges of the 21st century. Personalized education promises to bring equal opportunities to all students, helping them maximize their potential and become the best version of themselves.

Doan Phong