Accordingly, regarding the content and structure of the exams, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City said that the Department has provided instructions through professional meetings and general information.
The Department of Education and Training does not provide sample questions because there are many ways to assess ability, not in a stereotyped way. At the same time, it recommends that parents and students be alert to unofficial information...
Reduced wishes, no sample questions, no mock exams in the 10th grade exam in Ho Chi Minh City.
According to the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training, the 10th grade entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year will also be the last 10th grade exam according to the old program, so the subjects and exam methods will remain the same as previous years.
Specifically, candidates will take three subjects: literature, math, and English. If candidates wish to take the exam for specialized or integrated grade 10, they will take the fourth subject, which is a specialized or integrated subject.
Regarding the exam time, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training is calculating appropriately to create maximum convenience for the organization of the exam, ensuring that the two exams for grade 10 entrance and high school graduation are not at the same time, expected to be held in early June 2024.
Regarding registration of wishes, in this year's 10th grade entrance exam, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training only allows students to register a maximum of 5 wishes for 10th grade at public high schools, a decrease of 2 wishes compared to previous years.
Of which, 3 wishes are for regular grade 10 and 2 wishes are for specialized grade 10 or integrated grade 10. Candidates who register for specialized grade will not be allowed to register for integrated grade and vice versa.
The reason for the decrease in the number of applications for grade 10 is because Ho Chi Minh City stopped enrolling regular grade 10 students in two specialized high schools, Le Hong Phong and Tran Dai Nghia.
The suspension of enrollment in regular 10th grade in specialized schools is implemented according to the regulations in Circular 05 on the organization and operation of specialized schools of the Ministry of Education and Training.
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