Struggling to find ways to make money from idle money

With the modern pace of life and busy work, many of us have idle money but do not know how to use it effectively. In particular, office workers, small traders or housewives often do not have much time or enough knowledge to learn about complex investment channels but still want to create passive income from idle money.

Ms. Minh Ha, an office worker in Ho Chi Minh City, shared: “Because of my busy work, I have little time to learn about investment channels. I often have small amounts of money that I don’t need immediately, and if I leave them in my checking account, it would be a waste. I always want to find a way to make money generate more money without too much effort…”.

As a small trader at a wholesale market in Hanoi, Ms. Thuy Dung also always wants to find ways to take advantage of idle money before having to pay for goods. She said: “I often have money in my account because I have not had to pay for goods or import new goods. These amounts are usually not deposited in long-term savings. I want a solution to help my money generate profits according to the characteristics of my business...”.

New solution from MSB

Understanding this need, MSB has launched a continuous profit feature to help customers optimize idle money in their payment accounts without having to spend time or effort researching the market.

The continuous profit feature on MSB accounts is operated by customers activating the profit feature on the MSB mBank application, choosing a flexible holding period and applying a yield 7 times higher than normal demand deposits. The special thing here is that instead of leaving money "idle" in the payment account, with just a few simple steps on the MSB mBank application, customers' idle money can generate profit every day.

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Customers can easily experience the utilities on the MSb mBank application. Photo: MSB

“Since using this new feature, my money is no longer sitting in my account but always has the opportunity to grow. What I like most is that I don’t have to worry or monitor it regularly, just a few steps on MSB’s e-banking application and I can enjoy the “benefits”, Ms. Minh Ha shared after using MSB’s continuous profit feature.

Ms. Thuy Dung has also switched to using the continuous profit feature on her MSB account: "Choosing this form helps me be flexible and take advantage of idle money, optimizing profits without having to worry about money when needing to import new goods."

Attractive and safe yield for "outsiders"

Not everyone has enough time, experience, finance and knowledge to invest in complex channels such as stocks or real estate. The continuous profit feature on MSB accounts helps customers not need to have deep understanding of the market, ensuring the safety of idle money while still optimizing profitability.

Mr. Quang Hung - an IT employee in Hanoi, shared his experience: "Every month I save a certain amount of money from my salary, so I have quite a bit left. When using this continuous profit feature, I just need to transfer money to my MSB account to make a profit. I don't need to worry about monitoring the market, but the money makes more money regularly, simple and effective."

With MSB, customers do not need to be financial experts to increase the value of their idle money. Just by taking a few simple steps, activating the profit feature from the account on the MSB mBank application, choosing a flexible holding period, customers can receive a yield of up to 4.2%/year effectively and safely.

Non-stop profit feature on MSB account. Photo: MSB

Ms. Lan Anh - a housewife and mother of two children in Da Nang, shared: "Taking care of my family takes up most of my time, so I don't have the opportunity to learn much about complicated investment channels. The continuous profit feature from MSB helps me make money quickly and safely. This is the best way to increase profits while still being able to flexibly use it for other spending purposes."

Customers can choose flexible deposit terms from 1 week, 1 month or 3 months, suitable for their capital needs. Even if it is a small amount of money, just depositing for 1 week, customers can receive interest rates of up to 3.1%/year or up to 4.2% for a 3-month term - 7 times higher than a regular payment account.

With this feature, MSB not only brings peace of mind to customers but also provides a solution to increase assets suitable for all needs. Busy people or those with little experience in finance and investment can easily create passive income from idle money, flexibly for short-term plans effectively and safely.

“With a customer-centric strategy, MSB always strives to bring customers an outstanding experience through the most convenient products and services. By launching the continuous profit feature on the account, we hope to bring maximum convenience to customers, especially those who do not have time to research and monitor the market every day. This is a safe investment solution, helping idle money generate stable profits while still maintaining high flexibility in capital use,” shared an MSB representative.

Ngoc Minh