Italy In the past 24 years, Barbara Ioele, 50, has applied for maternity benefits 17 times but has not actually given birth to any children.
According to the records that this woman declared to the authorities, after 17 pregnancies, she lost 12 children immediately after giving birth. The 5 children living with her are named Benedetta, Angelica, Abramo, Letizia and Ismaele.
However, there is no record of their birth being registered and neighbours said they had never met any of Barbara's children.
Barbara is said to have given birth to her youngest child at the end of December 2023. But the local authorities claim to have monitored her throughout her pregnancy and have enough evidence to confirm that Barbara was never pregnant.
Investigators accused the woman of falsely reporting 17 pregnancies and falsifying medical certificates to appropriate 110,000 euros in benefits.
A 50-year-old Italian woman has been accused of faking her pregnancy 17 times to receive maternity benefits of up to 110,000 euros over 24 years. Illustration photo: Odditycentral
Barbara's case has made headlines across Italy. Prosecutors say the woman's elaborate scam involved a network that stole birth certificates from clinics in Rome and forged doctors' signatures.
Davide Pizzinato, Barbara's 55-year-old boyfriend, admitted he knew about her fraud since 2012, when their relationship began. He was charged as an accessory to the crime, but could face a reduced charge if he cooperates with the investigation.
As for Barbara, despite clear evidence against her, such as the non-existence of her five children, the forged documents, and the testimony of her boyfriend, she remained defiant. To avoid questioning, she repeatedly presented documents proving her poor health.
However, she still faces prison time for financial fraud and document forgery, among other charges.
Minh Phuong (According to Odditycentral )
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