Previously, with a garden area of over 2,000m2 growing passionflower of Mr. Hoang Van Hung's family in Tan Thuan hamlet, Tan Tien commune (Bu Dop, Binh Phuoc), each day harvested about 100kg of flowers. With the selling price of 50,000 - 70,000 VND/kg, it helped his family have a significant income.
However, since the beginning of 2024, extreme weather, prolonged heat and rain have caused the plants to be infected with fungus and bloom less, yielding only 20-30kg per day. To earn an income to cover his living expenses, Mr. Hung had to convert part of his land to grow squash.
Similarly, 2,000 square meters of passionflower have also been the main source of income for Mrs. Nong Thi Chanh’s family in Tan Phuoc hamlet, Tan Tien commune for many years. Currently, Mrs. Chanh’s passionflower garden still has a stable yield, but the price has dropped sharply (only 25-30 thousand VND/kg), causing many difficulties for her family.
The 2,000m2 garden of the morning glory of Mr. Hoang Van Hung's family in Tan Thuan hamlet, Tan Tien commune (Bu Dop, Binh Phuoc) has seen a sharp decrease in productivity this year.
“A few years ago, 1kg of passionflower flowers sold for 60,000 - 70,000 VND, sometimes even up to 90,000 VND, but this year the price is too low. In 2023, the income from the passionflower garden could comfortably cover family living expenses, but this year it is difficult and difficult,” said Ms. Chanh.
For many years, the flower of the sky is a vegetable chosen by many farmers in Bu Dop district to grow and become the main source of income, especially for households with little land for production. Tan Tien commune alone has more than 30 households growing the flower of the sky with a total area of about 7 hectares. However, this year, most of the gardens have reduced productivity and prices have dropped sharply, significantly affecting people's income.
Although flower productivity and prices have dropped sharply, most farmers still maintain their gardens. Because the flower is a short-term crop, easy to grow, easy to care for and can be harvested year-round, helping people improve their family livelihoods.
In fact, many households have had stable lives and escaped poverty thanks to this model. To cope with the impact of extreme weather as well as ensure garden productivity, farmers need to have solutions to invest in land improvement and apply scientific and technological advances in production.
Chairman of the Tan Tien Commune Farmers’ Association Hoang Duc Canh said: “Compared to previous years, this year the yield of passionflower has decreased sharply, due to extreme weather. In addition, the crop is grown on a type of perennial soil, after many harvest seasons, the soil has gradually become barren and no longer suitable. The selling price fluctuates erratically, at the beginning of the year it is high, at the end of the year it drops sharply; this year the price drops, next year it increases again… Therefore, farmers who maintain their gardens must improve the soil, apply scientific and technical advances to production to increase crop yields.”
According to Oriental medicine documents, the flower of the flower can be used as a sedative, helping patients sleep better. To treat insomnia, you only need to use the flower of the flower and the leaves of the acacia tree, about 50g of each, to cook soup to eat every day.
Passion flower is a food that has a cooling effect so it is also known as a very good dish for people with hemorrhoids.
For those who want to lose weight and fight obesity, this time the passion flower is a great choice that you cannot ignore.
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