As an official authorized dealer of Apple in Vietnam, Mobile World said that the presence of Apple Store Online in Vietnam is a positive move, proving that Apple is very interested in the domestic market.
Apple officially opens online store in Vietnam
"From the perspective of being an official authorized dealer of Apple in Vietnam, Mobile World considers the opening of an Apple Store to be a positive move for the market, proving that Apple is very interested in Vietnam. The price Apple offers will be the standard price for users to refer to," said Ms. Phung Phuong, Mobile World's media representative.
According to Ms. Phung Phuong, Apple opening an online store in Vietnam will not greatly affect the business operations of the system or other retail systems. But this is also an opportunity for the system to make more efforts, bring superior values to customers and retain customers.
Accordingly, this system is confident that "although Di Dong Viet's prices are very competitive, Di Dong Viet does not compete on price, but on value". Most recently, Di Dong Viet has made a move to "join the war" on price with the message "Cheaper than other types of Cheap", but at the same time still ensures all the inherent superior warranty and after-sales policies, while focusing on bringing a high experience to customers.
Ms. Phung Phuong added: "Many Apple products at Di Dong Viet are being sold at a cheaper price than the Apple Store. In addition, Di Dong Viet also has a return policy - defective devices are exchanged immediately (1 for 1) without having to wait for warranty, a return policy with a refund after trial use and other special policies such as 0% installment payment, old for new exchange with the highest price on the market". With these special advantages, Di Dong Viet hopes to continue to retain customers.
Therefore, Mobile World affirms that it will not be affected much when the Apple Store online opens for sale, because Apple basically does not compete with the official authorized dealer in Vietnam.
Price list of Apple products at retail stores in Vietnam and Apple Store online
For example, the iPhone 14 Pro Max 128 GB at Apple Store online is 30.99 million VND, while at Di Dong Viet it is 26.19 million VND, 4 million VND cheaper. Meanwhile, the iPhone 13 128 GB at Apple Store online is 19.69 million VND, while at Di Dong Viet it is 15.99 million VND. With the MacBook Air M1 line, at Di Dong Viet it is also cheaper, only 17.99 million VND, while at Apple Store online it is 24.99 million VND...
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