The nimble brown bear chased the moose from the riverbank to the water and only needed a moment of struggle to kill its prey.
A struggle between a brown bear and a moose. Video: Sam Vassar
Fisherman Sam Vassar shared a video on July 29 of a brown bear chasing and killing a moose along a fast-flowing river in Alaska. In the video, filmed in the state’s Bristol Bay, the brown bear ambushes its heavier prey and wrestles it to the ground, according to Yahoo .
Vassar said he and his friend were motorboating back to camp when they saw a moose in the river, with a brown bear hot on their heels. The moose initially turned and ran toward the riverbank, but the bear closed the distance too quickly. The moose then jumped into the river and was caught by the bear in the shallow water. Despite being lighter than its prey, the bear held on to the moose and wrestled it to exhaustion in the strong current.
A common misconception about brown bears is that they do not typically catch and kill ungulates. In contrast, multiple studies by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game have shown that brown bears are extremely effective predators of moose calves from birth to about two months of age. They typically kill adult moose in the spring. Some bears appear to specialize in killing both moose calves and adults.
In some parts of Alaska where brown bears are uncommon, black bears are the most important predators of moose calves, killing about 40% of the calves born.
An Khang (According to Yahoo )
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