Every day I have to travel and work outdoors for 7-8 hours. When the temperature is too high, I often go to the mall to avoid the sun.
But when I enter, I often feel dizzy and have a headache. After resting for a while, I feel better. Doctor, can using air conditioning right after being in the sun cause fatigue or even a stroke? (Son, 45 years old, Hanoi).
The temperature difference when going from outside to an air-conditioned room, or vice versa, makes the body unable to adapt in time, leading to sudden vasoconstriction and dizziness. Many cases of heat stroke, even stroke, occur in high-risk groups such as the elderly, children or outdoor workers. At this time, the body needs a transition period to cool down and gradually adapt to the temperature, not suddenly going from hot to cold or vice versa.
During the peak heat, patients with lung disease, respiratory disease, and immunocompromised people should also be careful when using air conditioning. People who work outdoors often sweat a lot, so they need to wipe it off before entering the air-conditioned room to avoid dehydration, hypothermia, and catching a cold. Not to mention, in shopping malls, the air conditioning is very strong, so limit going in and out many times.
To avoid heat shock, you need to control the room temperature, absolutely do not let it go below 26-28 degrees Celsius. When the room is cool enough, raise the temperature to at least 27-28 degrees Celsius. If you want to leave the air-conditioned room, you should open the door, stand for a few minutes to get used to the surrounding environment before going out.
In addition, air-conditioned rooms are often closed and not well-ventilated, so dust can easily accumulate, creating favorable conditions for bacteria, viruses and molds that cause respiratory diseases such as cough, sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis. Therefore, when the air conditioner is not on, the family should open the door to let fresh air from outside into the house.
Families can use additional coolers, steam fans, and ceiling fans to protect their health.
Doctor Tran Dinh Thang
Stroke Emergency Department, Central Geriatric Hospital (Hanoi)
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