The information about eliminating early admission and transferring the college admission database to the Ministry of Education and Training was shared by a representative of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training) at the seminar on Career Guidance and University Admissions in 2025, organized by Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education this morning (January 6).
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training) shared at the seminar.
In the near future, students can apply for admission to both universities and colleges at the same time on the system.
At the seminar, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training), said that this year the first batch of students from the 2018 General Education program graduated and participated in the admission exam. To prepare for these changes, the Ministry of Education and Training has announced the regulations for the 2025 high school graduation exam and the draft Circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Regulations on university and college admissions for the Early Childhood Education sector.
"It can be said that, combined with the changes in the high school graduation exam, there will certainly be changes in the admission process in 2025. However, the nature of admission has remained stable in the past 3 years, to ensure the rights of candidates, fairness in admission, and to meet the needs of choosing a major according to the interests, abilities and aspirations of students," the Department Director shared.
According to the Director of the Department of Higher Education, there will be a significant change in the coming time in the spirit of streamlining and streamlining the apparatus. Vocational education will be directly managed by the Ministry of Education and Training, in which the Department of Higher Education will manage colleges. In the near future, the college enrollment database will be imported into the general enrollment database of the Ministry of Education and Training. Currently, the Ministry of Education and Training is making efforts to update regulations, policies and especially techniques so that students can register their wishes on the system to enter universities and colleges. The Ministry of Education and Training will take care of these tasks.
"At that time, students will have a complete database to be able to apply at the same time to university and college training systems under the general enrollment support system of the Ministry of Education and Training, saving time and effort for the whole society," emphasized the Director of the Department of Higher Education.
Representatives of many high schools shared their opinions at the seminar.
Early admission is not expected to be available anymore.
According to Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Department of Higher Education, the draft admission regulations have been posted publicly for public comment. Based on the diverse comments, the Drafting Committee plans to propose to the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training a number of adjustments to the published draft, mainly on technical issues.
The first is an adjustment compared to the published draft on the regulation on adjusting the threshold for ensuring input quality for candidates applying for teacher training and health majors. According to the draft, the threshold for ensuring input quality for these two majors is based on the results of 3 years of high school study. However, according to Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy, from the opinions of independent candidates, it is not possible to go back and improve high school academic results to qualify for admission. Therefore, the threshold for ensuring input will be added from the high school graduation exam score so that candidates can choose one of the two, either based on high school academic scores or high school graduation exam scores, but not binding both conditions at the same time.
"The second adjustment is related to early admission, we will remove the concept of early admission, not early admission", Director Nguyen Thu Thuy affirmed. Explaining this expected adjustment, the Director said that many admission experts proposed early admission when the admission system is too superior, whether early admission or general admission, candidates still put all their wishes on the general admission support system. Therefore, the Drafting Committee submitted to the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training to remove the concept of early admission. Early here is in terms of the time to receive early admission applications, while the general admission stage can apply all admission methods to ensure the rights of candidates. In fact, not early admission is even more secure than the rights of candidates who are not eligible to participate in separate entrance exams.
In addition, the Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training) also said that the new points retained in the draft related to admission based on academic records must use the learning results of the entire 12th grade year.
Regarding the admission combinations, the regulations have technical regulations when building admission combinations for a major or a group of majors. Accordingly, the number of common subjects between the combinations must be 50% or more similar, so that a major such as engineering can recruit all subjects from literature, history, geography... Therefore, the regulation stipulates that 50% of subjects are related to the core competencies required for a major, the remaining 50% are other subjects. "This will reduce the trouble for the universities themselves and the candidates themselves when the admission combinations are too different," added the Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training).
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