Mobile World Investment Corporation (Code: MWG) has just announced its business results for the first 6 months of the year. Of which, net revenue was recorded at 66 trillion VND, up 16% over the same period. However, compared to the annual revenue plan of 125 trillion VND, MWG has only completed 52% of the annual revenue plan.
Mobile World (MWG) just completed its first half year target thanks to the sharp increase in revenue from Bach Hoa Xanh (Photo TL)
In the revenue structure, Dien May Xanh chain still accounts for a high proportion with 47%, followed by Bach Hoa Xanh with 30%. The Gioi Di Dong and TopZone chains contribute 21% of total revenue.
According to the business results report, at the end of June, The Gioi Di Dong chain had 1,046 stores, Dien May Xanh had 2,093 stores, Bach Hoa Xanh had 1,071 stores, An Khang had 481 stores. Ava Kids and EraBlue chains had 64 and 61 stores, respectively.
It can be seen that the number of stores of The Gioi Di Dong and Dien May Xanh both decreased in the second quarter. This is the result of the process of reviewing and restructuring the portfolio of stores in the chain. Although the number of stores decreased, the chain's revenue increased by 7%.
In the first 6 months of the year, the BHX chain achieved 19.4 trillion VND in revenue, up 42% over the same period. The growth momentum of the chain comes from the fresh food industry, helping Bach Hoa Xanh stores record an average revenue of 2.1 billion VND per store per month.
Regarding the The Gioi Di Dong and Dien May Xanh chains, total revenue in the first 6 months of the year reached 44.2 trillion VND, up 6.3% over the same period. Of which, online revenue accounted for 5.8 trillion VND, equivalent to 13% of total revenue.
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