Mr. Dang Si Dung, Deputy Director of DoLAB, spoke at the Workshop on Labor Migration. (Source: IOM) |
The workshop was attended by leaders from IOM, DOLAB, other departments under MOLISA including the Department of Employment and the General Department of Vocational Education, as well as representatives from the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of nine provinces and cities with a high number of migrant workers working abroad.
The high-level consultation workshop provided an opportunity for the parties to assess the effectiveness of current cooperation activities between IOM and DoLAB, and discuss priorities for future cooperation in the field of labor migration for the period 2024-2028.
Opening the workshop, Mr. Dang Si Dung, Deputy Director of DoLAB, highly appreciated the cooperation programs and activities implemented with IOM in Vietnam, including IOM's technical and financial support in law development and dissemination activities, improving staff capacity and public awareness of safe labor migration and protection of migrant workers working abroad.
“We particularly appreciate IOM’s support in providing information for the development and dissemination of the Law on Vietnamese Workers Working Abroad under Contract and the publication of two Health Handbooks for Vietnamese Workers Working in Japan and Korea. We look forward to continuing to work with IOM to raise awareness among migrant workers and help them make informed decisions on migration through safe and legal channels,” said Dang Si Dung.
Ms. Park Mihyung, IOM Representative in Vietnam, highly appreciated the important commitments made by the Vietnamese Government to protect the rights of migrant workers. (Source: IOM) |
For her part, Ms. Park Mihyung, IOM Representative in Vietnam, emphasized IOM's experience in cooperating with the Vietnamese Government and other stakeholders such as non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations to promote safe and orderly labor migration based on sustainable development goals in Vietnam.
At the same time, Ms. Park Mihyung also reaffirmed IOM's commitment to working closely with the Government of Vietnam to promote skills development for migrant workers, focusing not only on providing better employment opportunities but also on improving their migration experience.
According to Ms. Park Mihyung, IOM has cooperated with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam in many areas, including projects on labor migration, anti-human trafficking, migrant health and skills development for migrants, focusing on capacity building, supporting the strengthening of evidence-based policies and laws. In the field of labor migration, the agencies also focus on addressing the difficulties that female migrant workers often face, ensuring gender equality and promoting their voices at all stages of the labor migration journey.
“IOM highly appreciates the important commitments made by the Government of Vietnam to protect the rights of Vietnamese migrant workers and create an enabling environment for safe labor migration to benefit the people, communities and socio-economic development of Vietnam,” said the IOM Country Representative in Vietnam. “We are proud to work with government partners such as DoLAB to protect the rights and health of migrant workers and maximize the benefits of labor migration for all stakeholders.”
The workshop participants also discussed priorities for future cooperation in the field of labor migration in Vietnam, focusing on activities to build capacity, strengthen legislation, enhance dialogue with destination countries, support improved career guidance, provide pre-departure information and advice, and support the reintegration of migrant workers upon return. In addition, the participants agreed on common goals for future cooperation to promote safe and regular migration of empowered and skilled migrant workers.
Delegates attending the Consultation Workshop on the Program and Cooperation Activities in the Field of Labor Migration for the 2024-2028 Period. (Source: IOM) |
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