On the morning of June 27, 2024, in Dong Van commune, Yen Lac district, Vinh Phuc province, the Northern Power Corporation organized the installation of a signboard for the Yen Lac 110kV transformer station, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Vietnam Electricity industry's tradition day (December 21, 1954 - December 21, 2024) and the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the Northern Power Corporation (October 6, 1969 - October 6, 2024).
The 110kV Yen Lac Transformer Station (TSS) project is directly managed by the Power Grid Project Management Board (BA1) as the investor's representative with the scale: Construction of a new 110kV double-circuit line using ACSR400 wire with a length of 0.247km; synchronous installation of 02 110kV 63 MVA transformers. The outdoor installation project uses a full bridge diagram, including 02 110kV line bays to the 220kV Vinh Tuong transformer station and the 110kV Viet Tri transformer station; 01 T1 transformer bay; 01 T2 transformer bay and 01 110kV segment bay. The total investment capital of the project is 143.5 billion VND.

Delegates performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate the Yen Lac 110kV Transformer Station.
In October 2023, after handing over the site to the construction contractor, BA1 urgently coordinated and urged the contractor to quickly carry out construction items; install equipment and conduct calibration tests to ensure safety and continuity.
On June 20, 2024, the Northern Power Corporation's Acceptance Council successfully accepted and energized the 110kV Yen Lac substation. The project ensures the reliability of stable power supply for Yen Lac district, Vinh Phuc province, prevents overloading of the 110kV Hoi Hop substation, Vinh Tuong district and effectively exploits the project of installing the 220kV Vinh Tuong AT1 transformer, reduces power loss, improves the reliability of power supply for customers, and timely supplies of power to the load of Vinh Phuc province in general and Yen Lac district in particular during the hot season of 2024.
Substation Operation Check
Representative of the project management and implementation unit, Director of BA1 excitedly said: The project was completed right on the occasion when the Northern Power Corporation was enthusiastically responding to the emulation movement on all fronts and in all fields to make achievements to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the Northern Power Corporation, the 70th anniversary of the tradition of the Vietnam Electricity industry. Although the implementation process was extremely difficult, the project fully complied with the provisions of the law on investment and construction, was constructed according to the design, ensuring quality, absolute safety and did not exceed the total approved investment of the project.
The Yen Lac 110kV Transmission Line and Transformer Station project, when put into operation, plays a particularly important role in supplying electricity in Vinh Phuc province, ensuring the quality of electricity, improving the reliability of electricity supply to industrial clusters and zones; flexible in power supply and convenient in operation management, the basis for renovating, developing and re-planning the existing regional power grid system. The project is part of the power development plan of Vinh Phuc province for the period 2016-2025 with a vision to 2035 - the 110kV power system development plan approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Decision 4922/QD-BCT dated December 29, 2017.
Source: https://phunuvietnam.vn/dien-luc-mien-bac-gan-bien-cong-trinh-tram-bien-ap-110kv-chao-mung-55-nam-thanh-lap-tong-cong-ty-20240627155817333.htm
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