GĐXH - After consulting with the upper level, the doctors agreed to diagnose the patient with L2, L3 vertebrae osteolysis without excluding spinal tuberculosis, and advised the patient to go to the upper level for treatment.
It is known that 5 days before being hospitalized, Mr. S, 39 years old, had pain in the lumbar region. Massage and cupping at home did not help, so he went to Cam Khe District Medical Center for examination.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results showed “deformed L2-L3 vertebral bodies, narrow, jagged and fused joint edges, increased signal on STIR, thickening and edema of adjacent soft tissue causing narrowing of the canal at the level, not compressing the conus medullaris, the narrowest anterior-posterior diameter of the spinal canal is 7mm. The left iliopsoas muscle at the L2-3 level has a 30x18mm fluid collection”.
Photo: BVCC
After an online consultation with the Diagnostic Imaging experts at Viet Duc Friendship Hospital, the doctors agreed on the diagnosis: L2, L3 vertebrae bone loss, not excluding spinal tuberculosis, and advised the patient to go to a higher level for treatment.
According to Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen - Department of Traditional Medicine and Rehabilitation: Spinal tuberculosis often appears at the L1-L2 and D9-D12 vertebrae. Tuberculosis bacteria silently destroy the vertebral bodies, so the symptoms are often not obvious.
In addition to pain in the damaged vertebrae, the patient may experience other symptoms such as: mild fever in the afternoon, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, and fatigue.
In this case, doctors advise going to a higher level to perform some more in-depth examination techniques before making a definitive diagnosis.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/di-kham-vi-dau-lung-nguoi-dan-ong-39-tuoi-bat-ngo-phat-hien-bi-tieu-2-dot-song-172250318114209167.htm
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