The program is implemented seriously, systematically, and carefully screened by the local Journalists Associations for the purpose of quality and fairness. The Evaluation Council is even ready to return works that do not meet quality standards. Our conversation with representatives of some local Journalists Associations clarified this further.
Journalist Nguyen Quy Trong - Editor-in-Chief of Hai Duong Newspaper, Chairman of Hai Duong Provincial Journalists Association:
Select members and reporters with good writing skills
Right from the beginning of the year, the Hai Duong Provincial Journalists Association requested the Branches to register topics. The Association's viewpoint is to support quality works and conduct acceptance of carefully selected works. From that guidance, the Branches have proactively implemented the regulations in the Guidelines of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Journalists Association, supporting the correct procedures and regulations on support expenditures and deadlines for submitting works.
Members and journalists submit their works in accordance with the instructions to the Provincial Journalists Association. The Review Council will then review, evaluate and accept the works. Here, good quality works are selected, those with substandard quality are returned, then the Association and members select other works of good quality, ensuring the criteria, and request to send them to the Review Council for consideration of replacement.
Journalist Nguyen Quy Trong - Editor-in-Chief of Hai Duong Newspaper, Chairman of Hai Duong Provincial Journalists Association. Photo: NVCC
There were some years when the Central Government's funding support to the Provincial Journalists Association was late. However, in order to promptly support high-quality press works, we based on the works that had won press awards, especially the National Press Awards, to conduct a meeting of the Council for review and acceptance.
In fact, for many years now, members of many branches of the Provincial Journalists Association have been participating in a movement to compete in creating quality journalistic works. Each member is always conscious of creating journalistic works to participate in press awards of central ministries and the province. Therefore, in the past 2 years, Hai Duong press has also regularly won awards.
To do this job well, it is important that the Provincial Journalists Association regularly urges and guides the Branches to implement it through meetings and preliminary and final review conferences. On that basis, the Branches will discuss topics, advise the Editorial Board to direct the implementation, have pre-acceptance tests and then submit them to the Association at the end of the year, from which the Council will select. Normally, the Branches will select members and reporters with good writing skills, choose topics and subjects close to the real life of the people, from which the authors and groups of authors will focus on investing in and producing good quality articles and reports.
The Council for Review and Acceptance of High-Quality Journalistic Works of the Hai Duong Provincial Journalists Association held a meeting to review the works. Photo: NVCC
For example, the Hai Duong Newspaper Journalists Association organizes at least two training sessions each year to improve the quality of journalistic works. In recent years, the Association has selected lecturers to train in writing articles, guiding members in creating multi-platform journalistic works, and applying new journalism technology. During the Association's activities (at least once a quarter), they will discuss expertise and select in-depth topics on each field that needs to improve members' capacity.
I think the most important thing when carrying out this task is that the Provincial Journalists Association must coordinate with press agencies, each press agency also needs to have an early plan to produce quality press works to participate in the National Press Awards and press awards of ministries and branches. Of course, the Provincial Journalists Association will direct the branches to advise the press agencies, but the most important thing is still registering topics, predicting which issues this year are both topical and general and are of interest to society and people.
Journalist Nguyen Xuan Canh - Permanent Vice President of Yen Bai Provincial Journalists Association:
Branches need to register from the beginning, ensuring compliance with the criteria.
As soon as the Vietnam Journalists Association issued instructions, the Provincial Journalists Association began implementing the plan, ensuring quality in accordance with regulations. In recent years, the level of support from the Central Government has increased significantly, the support budget is suitable to the actual conditions and timely encourages journalists in the province.
The Provincial Journalists Association also regularly coordinates with press agencies in the province, especially the Editorial Boards of newspapers and radio stations. When members register topics, most of these works are produced, published, and broadcast. That is why the number of members registering to participate is very large. From there, the Provincial Journalists Association also receives many quality press works to participate in the selection for support.
Journalist Nguyen Xuan Canh - Permanent Vice President of Yen Bai Provincial Journalists Association. Photo: Son Hai
In general, this work has been implemented relatively well, meeting the actual needs of members as well as the set goals and aspirations. Among the thousands of press works of press agencies, we are interested in works that talk about local current issues, the implementation of central policies, and issues of public concern.
In addition, there are also works on implementing Directive 05-CT/TW of the 12th Politburo on "Promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle" . We always encourage journalists and reporters to be interested in this topic. Every year, works on this topic account for a fairly high proportion, so the works on this topic that are supported are quite large.
Yen Bai Newspaper Association and Yen Bai Radio and Television Station are two key units with many quality articles. They have many in-depth articles that are both daily news and timely reflect "hot" issues to meet public needs.
In implementing support, we do not differentiate between provincial or central press agencies and magazines. The important thing is that the member participates in the activities of the Provincial Journalists Association, all are considered for support fairly. Most of the supported works have won press awards. In fact, there will be a coincidence when members are both awarded from press awards and supported by the High-Quality Press Support Program. I think that is completely deserved, this will encourage other reporters to continue to dedicate themselves, be more creative to improve the quality of their press works.
To do this job well, I think the most important thing is that the branches need to register from the beginning to ensure compliance with the criteria set out by the Program. Second, it is necessary to propagate for members to understand the purpose, meaning and process of the Support Program, which is the basis for members to implement and do it correctly. Next, the Provincial Journalists Association will regularly encourage members and branches to publish registered works, and then continue to follow each step to comply with the plan and program set out.
In the future, I hope to increase the number of supported works, because in fact, for mountainous areas like Yen Bai, the number of works produced is quite large. Yen Bai currently has about 20 supported works compared to thousands of such articles, which is a bit small.
Journalist Ho Thi Ngan - Permanent Vice President of Nghe An Provincial Journalists Association:
“A push” for members to focus on creating quality journalistic works
Over the years, the work of Supporting High-Quality Journalism has been effectively implemented by the Provincial Journalists Association, with timely and appropriate steps taken, creating motivation and encouragement for members. Every year, the unit also focuses on organizing training activities and sending press delegations to write articles. The Association has used a small portion (10%) of the budget in the Program to support high-quality journalism to carry out this task.
However, this budget is very small, so the Association has flexibly mobilized to call for sponsorship from a number of units and local authorities for additional support. In addition to training, each trip includes about 50 journalist members, mainly in mountainous and border areas. These trips will further hone skills and enhance solidarity.
Many topics and themes in training courses and field trips are close to local reality, issues that are of public interest, creating valuable sources of information for reporters to exploit and write articles. These topics mainly focus on spreading the example of studying and following Uncle Ho; Party building work, building new rural areas, etc.
Journalist Ho Thi Ngan - Permanent Vice President of Nghe An Provincial Journalists Association gave a speech at the Conference. Photo: Hong Son.
Currently, the province has about 80 press agencies, including 77 representative offices and resident reporters in the area. We determine that the more resident press agencies, the more attention and support is needed. The Provincial Journalists Association regularly coordinates and guides the Representative Office and Resident Reporter Association to promptly support and guide this Association to participate in creating high-quality press works, thereby serving as a basis for participating in press awards.
Nghe An Journalists Association organized a field trip to the mountainous district of Con Cuong, Nghe An. Photo: NVCC
In my opinion, the Program to support funding for the creation of quality journalistic works is considered a “push” for each member to focus on creating high-quality journalistic works. The branches will rely on that to encourage and motivate their members to compete in creating quality journalistic works.
Through this, members will see that their interests are taken care of, they will be more responsible in finding and implementing topics, taking advantage of resources from the Program to create effectively. Besides, from the press works that are invested elaborately and won press awards, their works will have more widespread influence.
We always determine not to level the playing field but to select quality works from the branches. The quality of each work is guaranteed, after passing the Council, the works that meet the requirements will be decided to be sent to the Vietnam Journalists Association for consideration and support.
In the coming time, to improve this work, the Provincial Journalists Association will deploy it to each Branch and member. The Association also requires the Branches to organize and implement, creating conditions in terms of funding, resources, and means for reporters to produce high-quality press works. In fact, for many Branches, this is both a task and a goal to improve the quality of their units' press works, and a basis for having more quality works participating in press awards.
Journalist Nguyen Binh Duong - Permanent Vice President of Bac Giang Journalists Association:
The right quality work, supporting the right purpose
The program to support high-quality journalistic works, implemented since 2006, has become a driving force to encourage the creative work of members and journalists nationwide to enthusiastically create works and love their jobs more.
Journalist Nguyen Binh Duong - Permanent Vice President of Bac Giang Journalists Association. Photo: Son Hai.
Over the years, the local press has mobilized many quality works to participate in propaganda focusing on the key political tasks of Bac Giang province. The high-quality press support program also creates an abundant supply of works for local press awards and central press awards such as: National Press Award, Golden Hammer and Sickle Press Award, press awards of ministries, departments, and branches...
In the period of 2016 - 2020, with a budget of 500 million VND, more than 150 works were supported, and many professional training courses were opened for members and journalists. The Association also proactively coordinated with the Center for Journalism Training of the Vietnam Journalists Association and Central press agencies to organize professional training courses on topics and according to the proposals submitted by the Journalists Associations.
Especially classes on: multimedia journalism skills, editing skills from print to electronic newspapers; communication skills via social networks; short television reports; online journalism skills; propaganda on Party building work... Thanks to the support of high-quality journalistic works, new types of journalism are increasingly appearing, such as: longform, e-magazine, infographic, podcast, long-form television reports.
According to the plan and instructions of the Vietnam Journalists Association, the Provincial Journalists Association has developed regulations to support works, guided members to develop outlines for registering works, established a Council to review and accept support for high-quality press works, the Council meets and reviews works of the right quality, supports the right purpose, the right audience, publicly and transparently.
Thanks to the support program, the Bac Giang Provincial Journalists Association has gathered, assembled, and united its members and journalists, creating an increasingly close relationship. This is also a source of encouragement and motivation for journalist members to create high-quality journalistic works to meet the increasing information needs of the public.
For many years, thanks to the journalist membership program, journalists at press agencies in Bac Giang have won many National Press Awards, several awards at the National Press Award on Party building (Golden Hammer and Sickle Award), Press Award on the fight against corruption, Press Award on Environment, Great Solidarity Press Award, National Traffic Safety Press Award, Radio - Television Festival Award... In particular, there are 02 works that won press awards on the topic of Agriculture and rural areas in the ASEAN region.
Thereby, the quality of the Than Nhan Trung Press Award of Bac Giang province has been increasingly improved, with articles praising the achievements, typical advanced collectives and individuals in Party building, in labor, production and following Uncle Ho's example,... At the same time, many more articles have appeared that boldly criticize the negatives, shortcomings, and unfinished work of a constructive nature that has received public attention, contributing significantly to the overall achievements in economic development, socio-culture, national security and defense of the province.
Le Tam (Implementation)
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