On the first day of the national exam for excellent students, more than 600 candidates taking the Math exam had to complete four tests, each worth 5 points.
Math candidates will continue with the second test tomorrow.
Below are detailed solutions to the Math exam for the 2024 National Excellent Student Competition, Round 1, by teachers Vo Quoc Ba Can, Nguyen Le Phuoc, Nguyen Tien Dung (Archimedes Academy), teacher Nguyen Van Quy (CMATH Math Club), teacher Tran Duc Hieu (Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted); students Dao Phuc Long (Hanoi University of Science and Technology), Tran Quang Do (Hanoi National University of Education), Phan Quang Linh, Vu Minh Duc (CMATH Math Club).
The national exam for excellent students took place over two days, January 5-6, with more than 5,800 candidates participating. The subjects included Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology, Literature, History, Geography, English, French, Russian and Chinese.
The percentage of students winning prizes will account for 60% of the total number of contestants. Of which, the number of first, second, and third prizes will not exceed 60% of the total number of prizes; the number of first prizes will not exceed 5%.
Students who win prizes will be given priority for direct admission to universities and colleges. Candidates who are selected for the International Olympic team (Informatics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Physics) will be exempted from the high school graduation exam.
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