Accordingly, the list of State secrets includes 2 levels: Top Secret and Confidential. In the field of education and training, State secrets at the Top Secret level include: official exam questions, preparatory exam questions, answers of exams: high school graduation, national excellent student selection exams, international and regional Olympic team selection exams that have not been made public.
At the same time, information about people in the People's Army, People's Police, and Cryptography sent for training domestically and abroad that needs to be protected at the request of the sending party is also top secret state information.
The questions and answers of the high school graduation exam are considered state secrets.
Information at the Confidential level includes: documents reflecting, commenting, and evaluating the current state of ideology and life of teachers, education managers, students, and pupils that have negative impacts on politics, security, foreign affairs, and social order and safety. Along with that, information about the location, personnel of the Council/Board that creates and prints exam papers, plans for transporting, preserving, storing, and protecting exam papers of the above exams when not yet made public is also considered a state secret.
This Decision comes into force from the date of signing.
Ha Cuong
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