Notably, party organizations have resolutely led the innovation of methods, working style, and quality of work, especially the regime of self-criticism and criticism, associated with reviewing and evaluating the quality of party organizations and party members according to the annual commitment to self-cultivation and training. The leaders of the General Department of Defense Industry and functional agencies regularly stay close to the grassroots; actively inspect party organizations and party members when there are signs of violations; implement the routine of direct democratic dialogue between leaders and commanders with cadres, soldiers, workers and employees in the unit. From the beginning of 2022 to now, inspection committees at all levels have inspected and supervised 474 party organizations and more than 4,800 party members; commanded agencies and units to have direct democratic dialogue with workers 416 times...

A modern production line of Factory Z111. Photo: TRAN VAN BIEN

Thereby helping leaders and commanders at all levels grasp the ideological situation; promptly and effectively resolve recommendations and proposals, meeting the thoughts and aspirations of workers...

In the coming time, the Party Committee of the General Department of Defense Industry will focus on leading and directing Party committees and commanders at all levels to improve public ethics and exemplary responsibility; expand democracy in the leadership activities of Party committees and organizations and in taking care of regimes and policies, paying attention to life, employment, and working conditions, in order to create consensus, stability, and build solidarity, unity, and attachment between leaders and commanders with cadres, soldiers, employees, and laborers in agencies and units.