Offering incense to commemorate heroic martyrs at Vi Xuyen National Martyrs Cemetery
Monday, July 3, 2023 | 18:50:21
On the occasion of the 76th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2023), from June 29 to July 2, the working delegation of Quynh Phu district offered incense to commemorate the heroic martyrs at Vi Xuyen National Martyrs Cemetery and Vi Xuyen Heroic Martyrs Temple in Thanh Thuy commune, Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province.
Leaders of Quynh Phu district offered incense to commemorate heroic martyrs.
In a solemn atmosphere, the leaders of the District Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee and the delegation of Quynh Phu district respectfully offered flowers and incense to commemorate the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their blood, bones and youth for the Fatherland.
Leaders of Quynh Phu district burn incense at the graves of heroic martyrs.
In front of the heroic martyrs, the delegation of Quynh Phu district vows to promote the revolutionary tradition, solidarity, strive to compete to build a clean and strong Party and political system; actively develop the economy, culture and society; maintain national security and defense, build Quynh Phu district rich and civilized; contribute to building a prosperous and happy country.
(Quynh Phu Radio and Television Station)
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