If it is said that "the season of birth can determine a child's IQ", many parents will consider it superstitious and not believe it. However, this is the conclusion made by Harvard scientists based on a 7-year analysis and research process.
Accordingly, scientists at Harvard University observed 10,000 babies over a period of 7 years. The results showed that children born in September, October, November and December often scored 0-6 points higher on IQ tests than other children. These months correspond to the autumn and winter months of the year.
Not only that, in subsequent comparisons, experts also found that children born in these months were 210 grams heavier and 0.19 cm taller than children born at other times.
So what is the cause of this difference?
Experts at Harvard University say: Children born in fall and winter have 4 big advantages and win at the starting line:
1. Favorable time for pregnancy
Children born in October, November and December mean that the time of conception falls in February, March and April. This is the time of spring, when all things revive, trees sprout, and good fortune...
Pregnant at this time, the mother's health is relatively good, sperm quality is good, eggs are fertilized smoothly.
Moreover, the mother's second trimester of pregnancy also falls in summer and fall.
At this time, the weather is mild and pleasant, so the mother will not get sick or suffer from diseases caused by humid weather. This is very beneficial for the development of the fetus.
2. Stronger resistance
According to research, children born in winter naturally have the "advantage" of being cold-resistant than children born in summer.
No matter how reluctant parents are, in the early stages of life, children are "trained to resist the cold". Thanks to that, their resistance will also be improved.
3. Faster motor development
Babies born in October, November and December will start crawling around June of the following year. At this time, the weather is pleasant, children can wear less clothes, can easily do gross motor skills and develop better overall.
A child's gross motor skills mainly come from crawling and turning. Therefore, if a child is free to roll around and explore on their own, it will stimulate more comprehensive brain development.
And if the baby's crawling stage falls in winter, it will be very inconvenient because many mothers are afraid that their baby will catch a cold, so they limit their baby's crawling.
However, crawling not only helps children stimulate their brains but also increases their ability to coordinate their hands and feet, promoting flexible coordination, thereby helping them learn to speak and walk faster.
4. Being born in winter is very good for children's brain development.
Winter is very cold, the first 3 months of life the baby usually only eats and sleeps, stays in a warm house, gets enough sleep, is less fussy, the mother also feels less sad and tired.
The indoor temperature in winter is usually maintained at around 20 degrees, suitable for young children, no need to worry about many children catching a cold.
When the baby is a few months old, spring has entered, this is a very good time to hold the baby to sunbathe, breathe fresh air, very beneficial for the baby's brain development.
Nguyen Phuong (According to giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn)
Source: http://baovinhphuc.com.vn/tin-tuc/Id/125749/Dai-hoc-Harvard-he-lo-thang-sinh-cua-nhung-dua-tre-co-IQ-cao-vuot-troi
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