TPO - From 2025, the high school graduation exam will have many changes when candidates only take 4 compulsory subjects instead of 6 subjects as at present. Therefore, the enrollment of Hanoi University of Science and Technology will also have changes to suit the reality.
According to Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Duy Hai, Head of Admissions and Career Guidance Department, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, in 2025, this University will maintain the three admission methods that have been implemented in the past: talent selection, thinking assessment test results organized by this University, and high school graduation exam results.
From 2025, the high school graduation exam will have many changes when candidates will only take 4 compulsory subjects instead of 6 subjects as at present. Therefore, the number of university admission combinations based on high school graduation exam scores will decrease, to only 36 combinations.
Mr. Hai said that currently, Hanoi University of Science and Technology mainly uses 2 groups: A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry) and A01 (Math, Physics, English) for admission. It is very likely that in 2025, the number of candidates choosing to take the graduation exam with these 2 groups will decrease or not be high, so the school plans to add some groups to enroll students in accordance with reality.
Along with that, Hanoi University of Science and Technology plans to reduce the admission quota using high school graduation exam results from 50% as in 2024 to 40%; increase the quota for the remaining methods.
To ensure fairness for candidates, in 2025, Hanoi University of Science and Technology plans to expand the locations for organizing thinking assessment exams. Candidates in remote areas can still conveniently participate in this exam for admission to Hanoi University of Science and Technology and other universities that use the results of this exam for admission.
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