We returned to Division 968 at the right time when the whole unit was competing to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Division's founding (June 28, 1968 / June 28, 2023). In addition to the competitive activities to celebrate the founding day, agencies and units have strengthened the education of traditions for soldiers.

During this working trip, we had the opportunity to participate in a tradition education session for soldiers of Battalion 6, Regiment 19. In the Division's tradition room - where many documents about the history of the formation and development of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Army, the Division... are displayed, the soldiers were introduced to the traditions of the unit. From the photo of People's Armed Forces Hero Cu Chinh Lan, a soldier of Regiment 9 (later Division 968) during the years of resistance against French colonialism, to the achievements of the Division throughout its journey of building, fighting and growing.

Young cadres of Division 968 visit the Division's Traditional House.

Division 968 organized for soldiers to visit and learn about traditions at the Quang Tri Ancient Citadel Relic Site.

According to Colonel Pham Van Sam, Deputy Political Commissar of Division 968, to make political and traditional education lessons more vivid and attractive, in addition to the content according to the general program, the Division requires political cadres to thoroughly study history, refer to documents provided by witnesses and veterans, supplement the lectures, encourage the use of projectors, and provide practical examples so that soldiers can easily understand and apply. The unit also organizes for soldiers to visit traditional houses, historical sites, Ho Chi Minh rooms, etc. to increase visuality and limit one-way knowledge transfer.

With the motto of traditional education must be lively and attractive, the political agency has advised the Party Committee and the command of Division 968 to direct and guide the staff to actively explore, create, and innovate teaching methods to make the lectures more convincing and attractive. Thanks to that, many staff have had new ideas and ways of doing things, thereby helping soldiers to absorb easily and improve the effectiveness of cultivating ideals.

Through activities integrating traditional education for soldiers.

Soldiers of Division 968 take care of the National Cemetery of Martyrs on Route 9.

In Battalion 5, the political cadres actively researched the circumstances of birth, the meaning of historical figures and events to compile a set of answers and created the game "Testing the Soldier's Talent". This game not only serves the soldiers to relax and entertain during breaks, holidays, and breaks on the training ground, but also through historical figures, revolutionary songs... helps the soldiers understand more deeply about the traditions of their homeland, country, and unit. This is also a gentle but highly effective way of educating about traditions.

Private Le Quang Huy, a soldier of Company 2, Battalion 4, confided: "With the vivid, intuitive, and unconstrained method of communication through games, poems, rhymes, and revolutionary songs, we understand more about history and traditions, foster patriotism and national pride; from there, each soldier clearly understands his honor and responsibility, is determined to fulfill his duties and tasks well, and contribute to building a strong and comprehensive unit."

Article and photos: NGOC THANG