On the afternoon of January 10, Military Hospital 175 announced that it had just discharged a 24-year-old female patient with a giant liver tumor weighing 3kg. This is the largest liver tumor ever operated on at Hospital 175.
The surgical team consulted with Associate Professor, Dr. Le Van Thanh, Director of the Institute of Digestive Surgery, 108 Central Military Hospital, and decided to resect the right lobe of the liver through an anterior approach.
The liver tumor weighed 3kg, occupying most of the girl's upper abdominal cavity (Photo: BVCC).
This is an extremely complicated form of liver resection, very difficult to perform with many risks of complications during and after surgery, especially liver failure.
After more than 2 hours of surgery, the giant liver tumor was completely removed. The patient was cared for under the ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) early recovery program. From the first day after surgery, the patient was able to stand, walk and drink by himself. To date, the patient has been completely stable and discharged from the hospital 7 days after surgery.
Doctor Trinh Van Thao, Head of the Department of Abdominal Surgery (Military Hospital 175), said that the tumor was identified as a hepatocellular adenoma, a rare benign liver lesion.
"This is also one of the largest cases of hepatocellular adenoma ever recorded at the hospital," said Dr. Thao.
According to Dr. Trinh Van Thao, usually, hepatocellular adenoma exists alone and is found in young women when using drugs containing estrogen.
Hepatocellular adenoma can cause symptoms of pain, heaviness in the upper right abdomen, reduce quality of life, risk of rupture causing bleeding up to 68% or turn into malignant liver cancer at a rate of 5%.
Currently, early surgery is recommended for hepatocellular adenomas of any size, especially when the tumor is 5cm or larger or has caused complications.
Previously, Military Hospital 175 also successfully performed surgery on a 78-year-old male patient with a right liver tumor weighing 1.65 kg.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/cuu-song-co-gai-mang-khoi-u-gan-khong-lo-hiem-gap-nang-3kg-192240110180919196.htm
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