This conversation took place at his farm in M'Drak, Dak Lak province. Throughout the story, he used the personal pronoun "Qua", calling the person he was talking to "brother", we would like to keep the original form of address of Mr. Dang Le Nguyen Vu.
In Shanghai (China) there is a Trung Nguyen coffee shop, to be exact, it is a "must-visit" when coming to Shanghai. It is very crowded! But is the revenue stable or is it just for branding, sir?
- It's profitable, despite the large investment. But that's only part of it. Trung Nguyen is preparing to open in the US, Korea, Dubai and Southeast Asian countries.
Trung Nguyen will open a chain around the world. Currently in China, Trung Nguyen is designing a training program and defining its vision. That requires a lot of effort. Because standardizing in terms of technology is easy, standardizing in terms of philosophy is difficult.
Is Trung Nguyen's way of opening such a direction the way to "dominate the world", sir?
- I told my staff that the way they (staff - author) think about selling each package of coffee will never surpass the existing corporations. But selling through an ecosystem from a conscious perspective is different. That means putting consciousness and philosophy into the coffee package and coordinating with the leading suppliers that we have identified and chosen; providing each package to each household. Everyone needs it, that's the difference. That package of awakening coffee must have a place in a family's library, be a bookshelf, be light. Many families do not have this (bookshelf - author).
In the coffee industry, who do you think are your competitors?
- I don't think anyone is a competitor. In terms of ideology, Trung Nguyen is currently unique because it contains 3 coffee civilizations: Italian, Ottoman - Roman and Eastern Zen. Trung Nguyen will stick to that to do things, not rambling. It must be really delicious, excellent in quality, and perfect in presentation.
Now, you can say that you have just started doing it, be bold in doing it but never consider it done when you have finished it. You have to be continuous, continuous, not satisfied with what you have. Do it until it is perfect, absolutely beautiful. Otherwise, you are just ordinary businessmen.
Trung Nguyen's E-coffee "Energy Coffee" is also a popular, normal and quite attractive product, not something extraordinary?
- E-coffee, if it knows how to develop, will dominate the country and be universal. Legend coffee is the key points, doing it big, in the center.
If we want to contribute to the world coffee civilization, we must upgrade our country's coffee culture. We cannot just hang around in sidewalk cafes and shorts. To do that, we must gather hundreds of thousands of those small shops, have training programs, and bring the most economic benefits, but we must upgrade those coffee shops. Only then will the culture be different and progress. Of course, hanging around on the sidewalk is also different.
You sit here, often in this cave in the mountain, so how do you run Trung Nguyen?
- I don't talk much, never attend meetings. Sometimes I don't go to the office for a few months. If I need something, I just text. Just texting is enough to understand the system because I have prepared all the documents. Otherwise, I wouldn't be sitting here on this mountain.
Just a text message, sir?
- I have a team of assistants. From that message, the assistant will know how to assign to the assistant group, convey this idea to the Board of Directors, and assign depending on the work. If there are any deviations, I will tell them to adjust and resolve them themselves.
I want everyone to be free and solve things themselves. I can't handle trivial matters that come up to me. It takes me about 5 minutes to review the files every day, then I run the business myself. It's been a long time since I've visited the headquarters in Saigon, every few months, we'll call each other and talk for about an hour, not much.
Through the trust of you and if the work is not good, you must take responsibility. The law of cause and effect regulates everything, whoever does anything must bear the consequences.
Many successful, wealthy businessmen suddenly change direction, living a religious life, and you are also turning coffee into a philosophy. Is there something unusual here?
- I don't want to compare myself with anyone. I don't want to show anything that is beyond the understanding of my brothers and sisters in this world.
Like in the real estate industry, many people understand its risks but they want to do something, in the name of something great but glorifying (clarifying - author) the mundane ego. There is no such pleasure. At some point, money has no meaning at all. What is it for? Nothing. In a person's life, if he can contribute philosophical coffee, spreading it all over the world, then that contribution is already a lot!
He lives mostly in the mountains but has many luxury cars, all with UN stickers. Does he use them all?
- There are cars that Qua has left for 7-8 years, and then let his brothers maintain them. Do you know what they buy them for? My brothers will never understand…
For media, sir?
- No, no. It's deeper than that. It's a liability, not an asset. As a businessman, you have to know that it's a liability. Just maintaining it costs a lot...
How much does it actually cost?
- A lot. It's tiring to say. Almost 500.
What cars are included?
- How can I remember! There are so many…
Which one do you like best?
- No, I don't love anything. I just bought it, I didn't even look at it. For the past 10 years, I've just left it there, not looking at it.
What do you buy so many cars for?
- Later it will be auctioned, helping young people start businesses. What I own will have a different price in the future.
To auction, is it for business, sir?
- No, no business! For me, there is no shortage of money, and there will be more to come. My plan is to bring back at least 1,000 billion dollars for Vietnam. 1,000 billion dollars, every year!
In a world of imperfection, conflict and hardship, is it paranoia that you say it can bring in $1 trillion?
- There must be something for Qua to say that. 1,000 billion dollars/210 countries. Each country earns 5 billion dollars. So 1,000 billion is the minimum, what's so difficult about it!
Have you traveled much lately?
- No, it's been a long time, since 2013. I sit here but I know everything. That's the amazing thing. I know everything, if you need anything, just ask.
Don't look at my body like that now, it's not like what you're seeing. Later, you'll see miracles that you've never imagined in the mortal world. But now is not the time for you to see, and I don't want to. Now, just enter the world and play this role or that role, go to any realm, go anywhere.
Now, down there (HCMC - author) or in Hanoi, I can hang around anywhere, begging, selling lottery tickets, selling newspapers... I can visit everywhere and give them some money. Those people like me very much.
Going to Sapa, I stayed in the mountains for a week. I infiltrated prostitutes, thieves, drug addicts, and everything. During the whole time I was gone, no one knew.
From here (M'Drak - author), 2-3am Qua took the car out and arrived in Saigon at 8-9am. Back then, I drove a lot, so the guys at the police checkpoints got used to it, because I drove fast, they stopped me.
It seems you find joy in driving or are you addicted to speed?
- It's not that driving is relaxing, but the scenery outside changes constantly, constantly. I see the change.
Knowing too much is tiring. Knowing too much but not being able to help is even more tiring. Knowing about the suffering that is happening and not being able to do anything about it is also tiring.
I don't talk about spirituality, extrasensory perception, or gods or anything. I've been through all the terrible realms. I'm not afraid of anyone or anything. But I'm not provocative either. I'm kind and good.
Sir, in your expressions, you often mention "leading nation, central nation"?
- To transcend a nation, one must first know how to examine its value system. There are 5 factors to examine whether a nation is evolving or not, to understand whether it is progressive or regressive.
One is to examine the aspirations. Where is this national aspiration? Where is the aspiration? At what level or is it just a wish? Currently, that aspiration is only at the level of a wish and has not become a real aspiration. We must examine the aspirations to know where a nation is.
The second is to examine its learning and knowledge. What theories, doctrines, and books are dominating that nation's society? The consistent level of the nation's brothers from the past to the present is just importation. Therefore, Qua's assessment is: the learning and knowledge of the nation's brothers for a long time has been on the periphery and peripheral, importing many doctrines and theories but not knowing how to select. Learning and knowledge when looking at dialectics in many dimensions and aspects, looking at the world in a comprehensive, global, and holistic way, then deciding what to do in this world. Looking at that strategy, we know how far it has progressed, where it has gone, and how many years it has gone, then quantify and calculate it.
Third is to examine the motives and motivations. Are they noble, lofty or just for the sake of petty ego?
Fourth is to examine its development model and implementation organization model.
The fifth examination is the most important. It is one's virtue, character, and ability to perform. By examining that, one can judge the whole world.
Only when we can see and understand humanity can we design a good society for our people and for humanity. If we don't understand, we can't do it.
But it is impulsive. Because human thinking today is simple dialectical thinking.
If we look at the whole country and people as a unified entity, we will see something completely different. Otherwise, we will be disconnected in the limited understanding of each country. If we understand the whole, understand the rules, then we will never be impulsive, we will go in accordance with the will of heaven.
More than 3 years ago, we were also sitting here, you also set a goal for 20 years that you would help the Vietnamese people to rise to the throne. It has been 3 years, has there been any movement, sir?
- Passing or driving a car with the word UN on it means sending a message: we must know how to use the United Nations, we must know how to raise the flag to gather the hearts and strength of the world. That flag must satisfy several factors: one, science must be global; two, politics must be global; three, finance must be global; four, art must be global.
For the past 9-10 years, I have been sitting in this cave preparing for your people. When I have free time, I go out and play with the horses, at 3-4 am. Now it is done. I will transfer it to my political elite brothers. And I also say that I am not like you brothers are seeing. There are supernatural things that you brothers could never imagine.
He said he was "not like what we saw". So what kind of person is Mr. Dang Le Nguyen Vu?
- It depends on the person looking at it. My brother can't imagine, every moment I have to endure pain, I have to be a truly disciplined person, truly kind-hearted to overcome it. Otherwise, I'm crazy. It's terrible!
Brothers, you live in a three-dimensional world. Your emotions and feelings are only in this worldly five senses. At most, some people have a sixth sense. But nature has brought me into the multidimensional extreme, in the multidimensional, multipolar universe of people, chaotic in such a matrix. If the mind is not real, it will go crazy, the nerves cannot bear it!
Do you think that all the things you are "taught" will never be true?
- No, no. There is no such thing. Because God wills it, everything must happen. Whoever listens will be well served in this life and the next. Whoever does not listen will be ruined. Remember what I said, because I know the fate of each of you. Obey it, the sooner you listen, the better.
There is nothing, no punishment in this world that I have not experienced. God tested me so hard. My brothers must believe what I say. If I love you, I will speak, otherwise I will remain silent. If my brothers and sisters love you, I will remind them to "try to do this to make things right."
X thank you sir!
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