Reporter: Mr. President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Duarte Pacheco, the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians has the ultimate goal of promoting the role of young parliamentarians in parliamentary activities. In the discussions of the first working day, how do you evaluate the proactiveness of young parliamentarians in today's discussions to improve and change the common problems that the world is facing, towards a better future?
Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union IPU
Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU): It can be said that today, we have had very special and very important topics of discussion, because we want to achieve the sustainable development goals. These are really urgent topics for all of humanity, especially with the issue of climate change, storms, floods, which are happening everywhere. Rising sea levels are destroying islands and some countries can disappear at any time.
We can only solve the problem by finding the optimal solution for sustainable development. But to achieve sustainable development, innovation is necessary because if we do it the old way, the result will remain the same.
That means we need to innovate and Vietnam is a good example. Vietnam is very dynamic. You have applied innovation right in production. At the exhibition that opened yesterday, we saw culture and traditional products, fruits and vegetables that can bring added value. In this way, Vietnam will have access to the market and bring better profits to the producers. This is what we need to do.
And to achieve that, we need to join hands, which is why the discussions at the Global Meeting of Young Parliamentarians are so important. Young people and more than 80 delegations have come together, not just for a single country, but to join hands to solve the problems of humanity. As long as we agree to act together for the sustainable development goals, it is possible. Changing ideas, identifying and implementing projects well, pointing out mistakes, I believe that all politicians are trying to do the best. At the discussions, there is a diversification of ideas on promoting digital transformation such as digitalization, innovation to achieve sustainable development goals. Today I feel the dynamism of the young parliamentarians, because if anyone can change the world, it is the young. So we need to cooperate with them.
Overview of the Opening Ceremony of the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians
Reporter: So what do you think about the views of young parliamentarians contributing ideas at this Conference in promoting inclusiveness and respecting diversity as a driving force for sustainable development and peace?
Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU): It can be said that they bring new ideas, new ways to solve problems. No longer the old ways of doing things, the old thinking, the young parliamentarians have brought different approaches. Of course, we hope to have concrete results from this conference. Not only to talk about the problems, but also to have good answers. So that when everyone returns, they will try to share the issues agreed upon at this conference in their own countries, saying "why don't we try? Vietnam is doing it, they have put forward policies that we can also incorporate", as well as learn from other countries with concrete results after the discussion sessions.
President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union IPU and Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue visited the exhibition
Reporter: What is your assessment of Vietnam's preparations for this conference?
Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union IPU: I appreciate that Vietnam and the Vietnamese National Assembly have made excellent preparations, very thoughtful and respectful. The IPU General Assembly was held in Vietnam 8 years ago, the 2015 conference was very successful. And from that, we understood that we could organize everything in Vietnam, not only because of the location, but because your country is always ready to take the lead, a perfect organization, a perfect preparation. Not only the Organizing Committee but also the Parliamentarians themselves have made positive contributions, ensuring that everything will go perfectly during these days. We really appreciate your dedication, thoughtfulness and hospitality and thank you for the way you have supported the delegations, we feel that very clearly.
Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), highly appreciated Vietnam's dynamism and development.
This is not my first time in Vietnam, but every time I come to Vietnam, I feel the change and dynamism in your country. The number of people moving from poverty to the middle class is increasing every year. The development that Vietnam has achieved is not just in numbers, but in fact, it is bringing a better life to the Vietnamese people. Life here is very comfortable. Just go out on the street and smile at everyone because everyone has very good living conditions. Especially, after the pandemic, you have returned with admirable development.
Reporter: Thank you Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union IPU.
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