On the afternoon of August 29, at the Party Central Committee Headquarters, General Secretary and President To Lam, Head of the 14th Party Congress Personnel Subcommittee and Head of the Central Steering Committee for Strategic Personnel Planning, chaired a meeting of the 14th Party Congress Personnel Subcommittee and the Steering Committee for planning the 14th Party Central Committee, Politburo, and Secretariat for the 2026-2031 term.

At the meeting, after listening to comrade Hoang Dang Quang, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Central Organization Committee, present reports, members of the Personnel Subcommittee and the Steering Committee discussed and gave opinions on the draft Report summarizing the personnel work of the 13th Party Central Committee, and directions. human resources The 14th Party Central Committee; Report on the introduction of the planning of the Politburo and Secretariat for the 14th term, 2026-2031 term; Report on the results of reviewing and assessing additional personnel for the planning of the 14th Party Central Committee, 2026-2031 term.
In his concluding remarks at the meeting, General Secretary and President To Lam stated that personnel work is a very important task of each Party Congress. Personnel work is a key step in Party building, an important link in all Party activities, and determines the success or failure of the revolution. Therefore, personnel work must be prepared carefully, thoroughly, and cautiously.
General Secretary, President To Lam Emphasized that the selected individuals must be truly exemplary, outstanding in qualities, intelligence, political courage, leadership capacity, professional qualifications and prestige to solve strategic tasks; must have fighting spirit, high discipline, close attachment to the people, and gather solidarity and unity within the entire Party and the entire people. Only such a cadre team will have enough prestige and capacity to lead the country in the new development stage.

Planning the Party Central Committee, Politburo, and Secretariat is a very important task that will be carried out regularly from now until the 14th Party Congress and is closely linked to the assignment, arrangement, and preparation of key leadership personnel for agencies, units, and localities in the coming term.
The General Secretary and President requested that members of the Personnel Subcommittee continue to work urgently, with the highest sense of responsibility before the Party and the people, to effectively carry out the difficult, complicated, sensitive but especially important tasks of the Subcommittee, to join the Documents Subcommittee and other subcommittees in contributing to the success of the 14th National Party Congress.
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