At 11:30 a.m. on March 21, Viet Lap Commune Police, Tan Yen District, Bac Giang Province received a request from Mr. Pham Van Xuan, born in 1982, in Hang Com Village, Viet Lap Commune, Tan Yen District, Bac Giang Province regarding: on March 20, his bank account received an amount of 7 billion VND transferred by the Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank account named Son Phuc Group Joint Stock Company. Mr. Xuan came to Viet Lap Commune Police to request support in verifying to transfer back the above amount.

Immediately after receiving the information, Viet Lap Commune Police reported and were directly assisted by the commander and officers of the Cyber Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention Department of Bac Giang Provincial Police. At 2:00 p.m. the same day, Ms. Tran Thi Binh Xuan, born in 1987, in Phu Dien, Bac Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vice President of Son Phuc Group Joint Stock Company and representatives of Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Manor Transaction Office, Dong Do Branch) went to Viet Lap Commune Police headquarters to work and provide documents related to receiving support to receive the above amount of money.
Mr. Xuan said that he and his family regularly learn knowledge and read and listen to articles and news about preventing fraud and property appropriation crimes on the Internet, including the article about "Warning about fraudulent tricks of transferring money by mistake", so when he received the above amount of money, Mr. Xuan went to the police agency to get coordination and support.
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