Australian and Chinese scientists have just discovered that Indocyanine green - a "medical dye" used in diagnostic imaging tests or endoscopic surgery - has the ability to block the effects of the α-Amanitin toxin contained in the Death cap mushroom (Amanita phalloides) or also known as the death cap mushroom (photo).
Through laboratory tests on mice and human cell lines, scientists found that Indocyanine Green can prevent α-Amanitin from causing damage to the liver and kidneys. This substance also helps improve survival rates after poisoning.
The Death Cap is the world's most poisonous mushroom, responsible for about 90% of mushroom-related deaths worldwide. It is often mistaken for other mushrooms because of its similar appearance. While the toxins in some other mushrooms can be destroyed by high temperatures, the Death Cap's toxicity remains largely unchanged when cooked.
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