On the morning of November 20, the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee held a meeting to give opinions on the organization of activities to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the founding of Dak Lak province. Comrade Pham Ngoc Nghi - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired the meeting.
Attending the meeting were comrades in the Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Committee; leaders of a number of relevant departments and branches.
Comrade Pham Ngoc Nghi - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired the meeting.
At the meeting, delegates listened to representatives of the Subcommittees organizing the 120th Anniversary Celebration report on the plan and progress of assigned tasks, and discussed and contributed ideas to ensure a thoughtful and polite reception for delegates attending the Celebration.
Comrade Nguyen Tuan Ha, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee spoke.
Delegates also discussed and contributed ideas on the organization of the Anniversary Ceremony; plans for arranging vehicles to pick up and drop off delegates; seating arrangements for delegates attending the ceremony; logistics, security, order and safety for the ceremony; backup plans in case of unfavorable weather; decoration of public areas and roads in the city center, etc.
Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Van Canh expressed his opinion at the meeting.
To ensure the safety of the activities during the Anniversary, delegates requested the Security - Foreign Affairs, Reception and Logistics Subcommittee to review and ensure facilities, security, order, traffic safety; ensure food hygiene and safety; establish focal points, regularly contact and exchange to promptly handle arising and unexpected tasks.
Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Lai Duc Dai reported on the progress of implementing the Celebration activities.
Deputy Chief of Office of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tien Dung spoke at the meeting.
Concluding the meeting, comrade Pham Ngoc Nghi - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee emphasized that in order to well prepare for the activities celebrating the 120th anniversary of the founding of Dak Lak province, the Departments, branches, agencies and units proactively review the assigned contents and tasks, focus on directing and implementing them to complete them on time, ensuring quality, especially the reception of guests, so that the organization of the Anniversary Ceremony is thoughtful and polite. Implement visits and gift-giving to delegates according to plan; ensure security, order and safety before, during and after the Anniversary Ceremony...
Source: https://daklak.gov.vn/-/chuan-bi-tot-cac-hoat-ong-le-ky-niem-120-nam-ngay-thanh-lap-tinh-ak-lak
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