The Spring of At Ty is the moment marking the transformation of the country, the beginning of a new year with confidence and pride that the position, prestige and foundation of our nation, Party and country have never been as good as today in the international arena.
The New Year 2025 with many heroic historical events of the nation, starting with meaningful activities to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930 - February 3, 2025).
95 years under the leadership of the Party, our country has gone through the era of national independence and building socialism (1930 - 1975); the era of national unification and innovation (1975 - 2025); and now, we are ready to enter a new era, the era of national growth, with the starting point being the important event, the 14th National Party Congress.
VietNamNet would like to share some articles, opinions, and perspectives on the important historical event of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
Building and maintaining solidarity and unity within the Party has always been considered by President Ho Chi Minh as the top priority task and the foundation for all success.
Unity is not only a matter of life and death for each Party organization, but also the life of the entire Party and the survival of the revolution.
Entering a new era, an era of the Vietnamese people's rise, strengthening solidarity and unity, innovating leadership and governing methods so that the Party can fulfill its task of leading the country that the people have entrusted to it, becomes more urgent than ever.
The 4 "real" words of President Ho Chi Minh
As the founder and trainer of our Party, President Ho Chi Minh paid special attention to the work of Party building. In the work of Party building, unity within the Party is one of the most basic principles. Unity within the Party is the basis for building the great national unity bloc.
If the leading party and the ruling party do not unite, the revolutionary cause of the nation cannot be victorious.
In his Testament, he wrote: “Thanks to close solidarity and wholehearted service to the working class, the people and the Fatherland, since its founding, our Party has united, organized and led our people to enthusiastically fight, moving from one victory to another. Solidarity is an extremely precious tradition of the Party and our people. Comrades from the Central Committee to the Party cells must preserve the unity and unanimity of the Party as they preserve the apple of their eye.”
President Ho Chi Minh advised: "Comrades from the Central Committee to the Party cells must preserve the unity and consensus of the Party as they preserve the pupil of their eye."
Thus, it can be seen that solidarity and unity within the Party was not only Uncle Ho's top concern but also his concern when he thought about the future.
He not only raised the requirement for unity within the Party, but also made it clear that such unity must be unanimous, truly unified, and must be demonstrated in both thought and action.
It is impossible to appear united but when it comes to making a decision or policy, there is no unity or when it is necessary, they form an alliance, and when it is not necessary, they find ways to hinder each other's work.
In his thought, solidarity must be unity, consistent, that is, it must be based on the Party's guidelines and viewpoints and for the benefit of the revolution and the people. Maintaining and strictly implementing the Party's principles is the responsibility of every Party member.
He considered the principle of democratic centralism to be the basic and important principle. In each Party organization, democracy must be practiced and expanded. "Democracy must be truly expanded so that all Party members can express their full opinions." All opinions and thoughts of each Party member must be expressed and listened to. All important decisions of the organization must be discussed and debated democratically.
Solidarity and unity within the Party requires cadres and Party members to honestly self-criticize and criticize. This is a form of training Party members to build and rectify the Party to become increasingly clean and strong.
Because, according to Him: “Only a truly revolutionary party and a truly democratic government dare to boldly self-criticize, welcome criticism, and resolutely make corrections. Through self-criticism and criticism, especially criticism from below - we become more closely united.”
In his Testament, President Ho Chi Minh advised with four words “truly”: “Our Party is a ruling Party. Each Party member and cadre must be truly imbued with revolutionary ethics, truly thrifty, honest, impartial and selfless. We must keep our Party truly clean, worthy of being the leader, the truly loyal servant of the people.”
Every party member, especially those holding leadership positions, must resolutely fight against individualism and opportunism within themselves, because they are the root cause of disunity and unity within the Party.
More than ever, we must promote the tradition of solidarity and unity.
Over the years, our Party has always valued, preserved and promoted solidarity and unity. Thanks to that, the Party has gathered and promoted the strength of the entire people, creating a combined strength to fulfill the task of leading the country that the people have entrusted to it.
In many Party Congresses, the issue of solidarity and unity has been seriously raised, considered, and evaluated comprehensively and deeply. We are proud of having done many things, and appreciate the achievements that have been made, but we cannot help but feel heartbroken about the shortcomings, limitations, and negative things that are happening in society.
The country is entering a new era, an era of the Vietnamese people's rise, we are facing new opportunities and fortunes, but also great challenges. The achievements that the entire Party and people have achieved over nearly 40 years of implementing the renovation process are the result of the solidarity and unity of the entire Party, the entire people and the entire army, and are proof of the maturity and strength of the Party.
On the eve of the 14th Party Congress, the time to choose truly worthy people with talent, virtue, heart and vision to take on important responsibilities of leading the country, more than ever, we must promote the tradition of solidarity and unity.
This is a great responsibility, first of all, of the collective and individual leaders from the Central to each base. Every cadre and party member, especially those holding important leadership positions from high to grassroots levels, must truly and seriously implement President Ho Chi Minh's advice: "Comrades from the Central to the Party cells must preserve the unity and unanimity of the Party as if preserving the pupil of their eye."
Associate Professor, Dr. VU VAN PHUC (Vice Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Party Agencies, former Editor-in-Chief of Communist Magazine)
Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/chon-nguoi-xung-dang-giu-gin-su-doan-ket-nhat-tri-cua-dang-2366481.html
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