In addition, on Sunday, July 9, there were many other health news articles such as: Research finds that yoga helps prevent cancer from spreading and recurring; ...
5 Things Doctors Want You to Stop Doing in Your 50s
Dr. Michael Green, Medical Director at Winona Health (USA), advises: At age 50, you must start following a diet, exercising regularly and finding ways to control stress if you want to live healthy until your 80s.
Specifically, there are 5 things Dr. Green and other doctors wish everyone entering their 50s should stop doing, to create the best chance to feel comfortable in the second half of life, according to the health website Best Life.
1. Overwork. Many people in their 50s are still working, says Dr. Green. Since retirement is typically after that age, most people aren’t ready to retire in their 50s. But cutting back on overtime seems like a reasonable goal.
Most people are still working into their 50s. But cutting back on overtime seems like a reasonable goal.
If the demands of your job are leaving you feeling exhausted, Dr. Green advises thinking about the importance of taking breaks, relaxing, and not overworking yourself.
Taking time off to meditate, go for a walk, or do breathing exercises can help reduce stress levels.
2. Don't give up bad habits. Dr. Green says: I urge my patients and people over 50 to reconsider their habits.
He advises examining habits, both healthy and unhealthy. 50 is the time to be honest with yourself about taking care of your body.
We invite you to continue reading the content of the article 5 things doctors want you to stop doing at age 50 on Thanh Nien Online health news on July 9. You can also read other articles about doctors' recommendations such as: Doctor reveals: You may have been defecating incorrectly all this time!; Doctor points out dietary mistakes that can increase blood pressure...
Changes in gait may reveal liver problems
The liver is the largest internal organ, but people often ignore its problems until it's too late. Liver problems can arise for a variety of reasons, including obesity, alcohol use, infections, medications, and chemicals.
Liver problems can be detected from a number of symptoms such as yellow eyes and skin, abdominal discomfort and swelling.
However, there is a little-known sign: a change in gait, according to the Times of India.
Changes in gait. Changes in gait can manifest as changes in stride length, gait speed, coordination or posture while walking or running, says Dr. Amit Javed, Head, Department of Advanced Surgical Sciences & Surgical Oncology, CK Birla Hospital (India).
Changes in gait may be manifested by changes in stride length, gait speed, coordination, or posture while walking or running.
According to the Times of India, changes in gait may include:
- limp
- Stiff and jerky
- Walk uncoordinated
- Lift your leg too high
- Lower your pelvis to one side.
The cause can be due to many factors such as musculoskeletal problems, neurological disorders, trauma or underlying medical conditions.
Please continue reading the article Changes in gait can reveal that your liver has problems on Thanh Nien Online health news on July 9. You can also read other articles about liver disease such as: Liver cancer: This symptom can appear when eating; Fatigue, swollen legs, late stage liver cancer detected after examination...
Strange story: Girl gets allergic every time she is near her boyfriend
Every time she is near and in contact with her boyfriend, Virginia Nault in the US gets an allergic reaction. If she sees her boyfriend on the weekend, the allergic rash on her skin will appear and last until mid-week.
Virginia Nault (22 years old) lives in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). It all started when she met Steve Johnson through the dating app Bumble, according to the New York Post (USA).
Virginia Nault in the US will get rashes and many other allergic symptoms every time she is near Steve Johnson.
The two started meeting and dating in December 2022. When everything was going smoothly, Ms. Nault suddenly appeared in a series of allergy symptoms. “My eyes started itching and watering,” Ms. Nault recalled.
Not only that, she also had red rashes on her skin. At first, the young girl thought she was suffering from seasonal allergies. This was especially convincing because she had previously suffered from eczema and other skin problems.
Her allergy symptoms usually flared up on the weekend, the day she would see Johnson. They would start to subside by midweek, only to flare up again on the day she saw her boyfriend again.
Please continue reading the article Strange story: Girl gets allergic every time she is near her boyfriend on Thanh Nien Online health news on July 9. You can also read other articles about strange stories such as: Strange story: Man infected with flesh-eating bacteria after being bitten by a relative; 90-year-old man still works out, participates in competitions...
Wishing you a happy and joyful Sunday with your family.
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