Mr. Do Trung Kien (30 years old), graduated with honors and was the second-highest student in the general medicine major at the Military Medical Academy in Hanoi in 2020. In addition, Dr. Kien is also very good at English and has a passion for writing books.
Studying medicine but knowing a foreign language is a big advantage
Starting from simple dreams in his childhood, Kien always wanted to help the poor who could not afford medical treatment. "The smiles from patients gave me strength in my journey to pursue medicine," Dr. Kien shared. Kien was a chemistry major at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted. In 2011, his family sent him to study biochemistry at the State University of New York in Geneseo, USA. Two years later, Kien's family encountered financial difficulties, so he could not continue studying abroad.Doctor Do Trung Kien
Mr. Kien studied abroad as an exchange student at the National University Hospital of Singapore.
Doctor with passion for writing books
Having the opportunity to interact with international students has helped Kien improve his English significantly. In particular, achieving an IELTS 8.0 certificate not only comes from studying but also from the process of acquiring knowledge through books, videos and music. “Knowledge is formed from daily experiences, not just intense study sessions,” Kien shared. In 2022, Kien published the book “Medical English” and “Hospital Communication English” in 2023. The process of writing and publishing the two books was not easy. Kien encountered many difficulties in ensuring the accuracy of the knowledge.Mr. Kien is good at foreign languages and passionate about writing books.
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