These are the Party cells in the Company Limited: Duc Chinh Electricity, Cam Dong Electricity and the Party cell of Cam Hoang Electricity and Water Joint Stock Company. All three new Party cells are directly under the relevant Party Committees of the communes. Thus, up to now, Cam Giang has 9 Party cells in private economic units.
Previously, Cam Giang District Party Committee established 6 Party cells in the non-state enterprise sector. Of which, 5 cells are directly under the District Party Committee, including the Party cells of the following companies: Cam Binh Shoe Joint Stock Company, Viet Hai Company Limited, TUNG YANG Company Limited, Lilama 69-3 Industrial Design and Technical Systems Joint Stock Company, Hien Le Service and Trading Company Limited.
The Party Cell of Van Dac Phuc Food Company Limited, established on December 21, 2023, has 3 party members and is directly under the Party Committee of Cam Phuc commune.
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