Payment cards and credit cards are very convenient financial tools, helping us easily make purchases, pay bills, and manage expenses. However, like any financial tool, payment cards and credit cards also have many potential risks if not carefully protected. One of the important measures to ensure personal financial security is to lock and unlock the card when necessary.
Lock payment/credit card
Most banks now offer mobile banking apps that allow you to easily lock your card when needed. To lock your card via your banking app, simply log in to the app, select your credit or debit card, and then select the card lock option. Some banks offer temporary or permanent lock options, giving you flexibility in managing your card.
Although the steps to block credit cards or payment cards of banks are not exactly the same in terms of steps, the way to do it is similar. You just need to follow the instructions on the banking application and the blocking of the card will be completed.
If you cannot access the banking app, you can also contact the bank's customer service directly to request a card lock. You need to call the customer service phone number (usually printed on the back of the card), provide personal information and card information to verify your identity, then request a card lock and provide a specific reason.
Unlock payment/credit card
Similar to locking a card, unlocking a card can also be done via the mobile banking app, customer service, or Internet Banking. To unlock a card via the banking app, simply log in to the app, select the credit or payment card section, and then select the unlock card option.
If you cannot access the banking app, you can contact your bank's customer service to request card unlocking, providing personal information and card information to verify your identity.
You can also use Internet Banking to unlock your card by logging into your account, selecting your credit or debit card, and selecting the unlock card option.
When locking and unlocking your card, you need to carefully verify the information to ensure safety. Always keep your card information and personal information confidential to avoid being exploited by criminals. If you lose your card, contact the bank immediately to lock the card and avoid the risk of being exploited.
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