Rapper Binz sings Bolero

Keep Cam Ca includes 5 songs composed by Binz, whose stage name is Xuan Dan: Hon Lo Sa Vao, Chua Yeu Lan Moi, Dem Da Truong, Duyen Kiep Cam Ca, Ruou Doc . The entire EP is inspired and remade from famous Bolero songs in Vietnam and has the permission of the original author.

Based on timeless melodies, Binz writes rap lyrics from new perspectives. Poisonous alcohol is considered the most rebellious part of the EP, similar to a response to anti-fans; "Never loved" questions the length of a "bad boy's" love affair; "Dance hall night" has lyrics adapted by Binz to the image of modern girls wearing luxurious clothes; "Slapped soul" has a cheerful color with the perspective of a boy bewildered by love at first sight, combined with Binz's whispering singing style.

In the EP, Binz appears in the "personality" of Xuan Dan, with a mischievous, absent-minded personality, wearing a superhero mask.

Chosen as an MV, Duyên kiếp Cầm Ca reflects the contrast in the image of an artist when standing in front of the public and when facing his own loneliness. The entire concept, production, and staging of the MV were undertaken by director Kiên Ứng.

MV "The fate of singing":

Trang Phap "paired" with Manh Kien

On the same day, "beautiful sister" Trang Phap released the MV Good Girl with a positive message about modern women. The appearance of the male lead Manh Kien - the impressive king in the reality dating show Paradise Island is the highlight of the MV.

Trang Phap said Good Girl is the opening song for the album celebrating 10 years of artistic activities, released in December. This is the MV completed in Trang Phap's career, when the entire process only took place in 10 days.

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Trang Phap composed "Good girl" and came up with the idea for the album during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Choosing the RnB genre, which is somewhat picky about its audience, the female singer did not put much emphasis on Good Girl creating a “fever”. Since pursuing a musical career, RnB is Trang Phap’s favorite genre, and most of her music products are in this genre.

The MV's visuals create visual effects through the combination of color blocks. The female lead Trang Phap stands out, different from the "good girl" standard when making different choices from the majority, clumsy when taking care of her other half but "shining" in her own way. The metaphor of "deviation" is shown through the frames of the picture frame, the tilted door paint, proving that the character is living in a world with her own standards.

"Beautiful sister" Trang Phap is seductive in the new MV.

Trang Phap said that she tried to follow the standards set by others to be recognized as “good”, “good”, “good” and many times she was disappointed because she could not find happiness within herself. According to her, the definition of a good girl is not just about dressing “closely” and “taking care of the house”, but appearing in countless appearances.

Through the MV, Trang Phap hopes to convey the message that women will still be "good girls" even if they do not follow the standards of the majority, so be confident and steadfast in your choices.

MV "Good girl":

Photo, video: NVCC

'Beautiful sister' Trang Phap is sexy, Quang Hung MasterD stirs up tens of thousands of audiences . Trang Phap, Quang Hung MasterD and other artists show off their choreography and singing, burning up the "School Fest" stage, attracting tens of thousands of students.