Popcorn is made by roasting corn kernels. The high temperature will cause the corn kernels to pop. Popcorn has many health benefits that not everyone knows, according to the health website Medical News Today (UK).
People with tooth decay or gingivitis should avoid eating popcorn because it can make the pain worse.
Popcorn is made from corn kernels, so it contains bran, germ, endosperm and fiber that can support the digestive tract and control appetite. Not only that, popcorn also has vitamins and essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. However, to maximize the health benefits, people should prioritize low-sugar popcorn.
Although popcorn has many benefits, people should limit eating it in the following cases:
Have digestive problems
Although the fiber content in popcorn is very beneficial for digestion, people with digestive diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis should limit their intake of popcorn.
A study published in the journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences found that popcorn often aggravates symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. Because the high cellulose content in popcorn can cause indigestion, leading to bloating and flatulence.
Have some dental problems
If the corn kernels are not fully popped, they will be very hard. People with toothaches or swollen gums should avoid eating popcorn. Because if you accidentally bite into a hard kernel, it will be very painful. People with braces or who have just had dental implants should also avoid eating it for this reason.
People with gingivitis should also avoid popcorn because it can get stuck between teeth and be difficult to remove. This stuck-on residue can make gingivitis worse.
Allergic to corn
Anyone with a corn allergy or intolerance should not eat popcorn. Additionally, popcorn is often prepared with a variety of oils, such as peanut oil or coconut oil.
These oils can cause serious reactions if the person eating them is allergic. For example, people with peanut allergies will have an allergic reaction if they accidentally eat popcorn containing peanut oil, according to Medical News Today .
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