The total number of households supported is 3,767 households in 8 districts and cities, the support level is as follows: for African swine fever is 38,000 VND/kg; lumpy skin disease in buffaloes and cows is 45,000 VND/kg, the support level is implemented according to Decree No. 02/2017/ND-CP dated January 9, 2017 of the Government on mechanisms and policies to support agricultural production to restore production in areas damaged by natural disasters and epidemics.
Accordingly, the whole province has 18,374 livestock infected with African swine fever with a destroyed weight of 685,831 kg; there are 6 livestock destroyed due to lumpy skin disease with a weight of 776 kg.
This is the first support for households whose livestock are damaged by the epidemic, from January 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024.
The support fund is taken from the provincial budget reserve in 2024, and the fund has been allocated to districts and cities. The province also directed units and localities to promptly pay people after receiving the fund so that households can soon have funds to re-organize the herd./.
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